A book sale will be held Saturday, May 14, according to information released by the Friends of the Dwight Foster Public Library.
The sale will be open to the public from 10 a.m. until noon. Members of Friends of the Library are invited to take advantage of early access to the sale from 9 to 10 a.m.
The library is located at 209 Merchants Avenue, Fort Atkinson.
Those interested in becoming a member of the Friends of the Dwight Foster Library and taking advantage of the early shopping, are encouraged to join during the sale. Another member perk on sale day is a full bag of books for $5, the release stated.
COVID-19 restrictions that have previously been in place at the sale have been lifted, the release noted, adding that for those who feel unwell, the group recommends taking “appropriate personal precautions.”
According to the release, the Friends of the Dwight Foster Public Library group is dedicated to assisting the library in meeting community needs, promoting and participating in library programs, and providing funds for special library needs. Members of the Friends of the Dwight Foster Library offer volunteer and financial assistance to the library. Joining the Friends of the Library is a great way to support the library.
For more information, contact the library: 920-563-7790.

Dwight Foster Public Library, file photo/Kim McDarison.
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