A “Destination Mongolia” travel program is slated to be held at the Dwight Foster Public Library Thursday, March 10 at 7 p.m., according to information released by the library.
Lane Liebergen will share photos of her trip to Mongolia.
“Get a taste of Mongolia with a quick trip to its capital city of Ulaanbaatar. A day-trip to nearby Terelj National Park and Genghis Khan’s Statue Complex reveal a nomadic lifestyle still being lived, and a proud history,” the release stated
The program will be held in the FCCU Community Room on the first floor of the Library. The presentation will also be available on Zoom, the release continued.
The Dwight Foster Public Library is located at 209 Merchants Ave., Fort Atkinson.
To join the program through Zoom, go to https://www.fortlibrary.org/friendstravel/.
For additional information contact Amy Lutzke at 920-563-7790.
The Dwight Foster Public Library, file photo/Kim McDarison.
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