The Fort Atkinson Project LEAD (Leadership Enhancement for Area Development) XXXIII class is nearing completion of its project titled: “Light Up the Town,” which focuses on installing Energy Efficient LED (Light Emitting Diode) street lights around the city.
“In addition to providing sustainability and public safety, this project will generate long term savings for the City of Fort Atkinson,” a recent news release about the project stated.
According to the release, the total cost of the project is $7,200 and includes the replacement of 24 street lights, parts and labor. It is anticipated that the city will save roughly $3,500 in energy costs over the first year after implementation. All work will be completed by the end of April.
“This project is intended to inspire businesses and residents to join the energy conservation movement. Thanks to resources like Focus on Energy, it is relatively easy to access free or low-cost energy-saving products for your home and office,” Project LEAD participant, Dr. Qingze Lv., was quoted as saying in the release.
To aid community members interested in conserving energy, Project LEAD has created a webpage. Resources listed at For homeowners, this includes information on how to access free products such as LED bulbs, high-efficiency showerheads, water-saving faucet aerators, and advanced power strips to save electricity from gaming consoles and other electronics, the release noted.
Focus on Energy also provides incentives for non-residential customers in the agriculture, commercial, government, industrial, and education sectors, as well as multifamily housing.
Additionally, the release stated, this year’s Project LEAD class will host a community booth at the first Fort Farmers Market on May 7, to distribute additional educational information for residents and businesses, and to recognize the sponsors of their “Light Up The Town” LED street light project. The community is welcome to visit and meet the members of the class of 2022.
Those wishing to support this project can donate by visiting the Project LEAD website at, or by contacting the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce at 920-563-3210.
About Project LEAD
According to a news release from the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce, Project LEAD is a program offered through the chamber, beginning every year in September, and followed by monthly sessions at area companies and organizations with the goal of planning, fundraising, and ultimately implementing a chosen project. Project LEAD participants are introduced to the leadership of the area’s largest employers, while learning the inner workings of what makes the community function. Facilitated this year by Ryan Hill of KLAS Solutions, the program strives to build future leaders with a desire to serve the community. As part of the program, participants determine a project that addresses a local issue or concern.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony is slated to take place under this lamppost during the season’s first Fort Farmers Market planned for Saturday, May 7. The post is one of 24 being outfitted with energy efficient LED lights throughout the Fort Atkinson downtown area. The move is anticipated to save the city some $3,500 in energy costs after the first year of implementation. The Fort Atkinson Project LEAD is heading up the undertaking. Contributed photo.
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