Luther students salute veterans

Pupils in grades 3-5 at Luther Elementary School in Fort Atkinson saluted men and women who have worn America’s military uniforms during a Veterans Day program Thursday morning, Nov. 11.

Members of the Edwin Frohmader Post 1897 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Paul Frank Florine Post 166 of the American Legion served as the color guard and honor guard at the morning program.

Members of the fourth- and fifth-grade Honor Choir sang “Grateful Nation” and “Rise Up: I’m Not Going to Give Away My Shot” (as in shot at success).

Video presentations featured the history of Veterans Day; fifth-graders sharing their personal salutes to veterans, especially those in their families; and photos and the introduction of veterans who have children, grandchildren and other relatives attending Luther Elementary School, many of whom were in attendance.

The honor guard stepped outside to shoot three volleys in memory of those who have sacrificed their life for their country, followed by the playing of “Taps.”

As they filed out of the assembly, students shook veterans’ hands, thanking them for their service.

The color guard stands in formation during the Luther ceremony.

The Honor Choir sings “Grateful Nation” during the Luther Elementary School Veterans Day program. 

Family members of students attending Luther Elementary School are special guests at the school’s Veterans Day program Thursday. 

Pupils applaud the Honor Choir after members sing “Grateful Nation.”

Air Force veterans Melissa and Kyle Erb prepare to take a selfie with their nieces, Luther fourth-grader Kinsley Wollin, at left, and first-grader Hannah Wollin. Melissa, who herself attended Luther Elementary School, retired last December after 30 years of service. Kyle retired in July after serving since 1995. Both attained the rank of chief master sergeant.

The Honor Choir sings “Rise Up: I’m Not Going to Give Away My Shot” (as in shot at success), during the Luther Elementary School Veterans Day program. At the end, pupils in the audience joined in the song.

The honor guard shoots three volleys outside of Luther Elementary School right before “Taps” is played to conclude Thursday’s Veterans Day program. The volleys are done in memory of the men and women who have given their lives for their country.

Bill Imsland, a Vietnam War veteran and commander of the Edwin Frohmader Post 1879 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Fort Atkinson, at right, is greeted by Gary Lee Burkhalter after the Luther Elementary School Veterans Day program. A lance corporal in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, Burkhalter served as an M60 machine gunner from 1968-69; he was wounded and earned the Purple Heart. He is the grandfather of Ameleigha Burkhalter a fourth-grader at Luther.

As they leave the Veterans Day assembly, Luther students in grades 3-5 thank veterans for their service.

Photos by Chris Spangler.

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