‘Magic on Janesville Avenue’ event earns $440 to support holiday lights display

Area families arrived Friday to participate in the “Magic on Janesville Avenue” event. 

Jones Market Manager and Territory Sales person Mariah Hadler, writing in a recent email, told Fort Atkinson Online that of the families that visited the event, some 100 of them stopped to have their photos taken with Santa. 

The event netted $440 that will be donated to the Fort Atkinson Beautification Council for use in continuing to expand the holiday lighted display that is presented along Janesville Street, Hadler wrote. 

Arriving event-goers found — along with a booth where photos could be taken with “Santa and Mrs. Claus” — activities beginning at the Jones Market and moved north along the Glacial River Bike Trail. The event provided festive opportunities such as writing letters to Santa, meeting local mascots, and visiting a petting zoo provided by the Fort Atkinson High School FFA. 

Additionally, holiday music was performed and Christmas carolers strolled alongside event-goers. 

Participants found free candy canes and coloring books, hot cocoa provided by the Rock River Clovers and cookies offered by Opportunities, Inc. The Fort Atkinson Rotary Club and BASE were on hand to provide hot food and drinks, according to an earlier news release. 

During the event, attendees were encouraged to walk along the bike path and experience the ever-expanding lighted display, which, as of this year, extends to the Rotary Depot Shelter, found along the trail near the intersection of Janesville Avenue and South Third Street. 

As earlier reported by Fort Atkinson Online, an effort to decorate the trail was begun last year and led by Jones Dairy Farm and BKS Dental, both Fort Atkinson-based companies. 

“This community event is to spread some holiday cheer as we enjoy the lights provided by our local businesses, organizations and the beautification council. The eventual goal is to light up the bike path from the Rotary Depot to Lions Park,” an earlier news release noted. 

An earlier story about the holiday lights display and future plans under development by organizers is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/fort-beautification-council-announces-holiday-lights-committee-magic-on-janesville-avenue-kickoff-event-set/. 

Pictures from the event follow. 

A festive, furry event-goer checks out its surroundings. 

The Jones Market mascot greets event-goers. 

Flanked by helpers, a mascot moves along the bike path. 

Popup tents house myriad activities found along the bike path. 

A PremierBank mascot waves to the crowd. 

Opportunities Inc. event volunteers man a booth. 

A feathered farm friend is among animals found at the petting zoo. 

Donning festive attire, a donkey is among animals found in the petting zoo. 

A calf watches activities from its petting zoo enclosure. The animals were provided by the Fort Atkinson High School FFA. 

A family poses for photographs with Santa and Mrs. Claus. 

Santa and Mrs. Claus take time to visit with some very young fans. 

Photos courtesy of Jones Market/Ryan Ebert. 

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