‘Magic on Jones Avenue’ draws holiday crowd

The second annual “Magic on Jones Avenue” drew a crowd to the Glacial River Trail late Friday afternoon.

Jones Market presented the holiday three-hour event, which took place beneath clear, albeit cold, skies.

Local photographer Ryan Ebert took family photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, and Jones mascot “Porkchop Jones.” Half of the $10 cost went to the United Way of Jefferson and North Walworth Counties.

Cookies donated by the Pine Cone Restaurant of Johnson Creek and hot cocoa courtesy of Jones Market were available for purchase, with proceeds again benefiting the United Way.

Animals on hand for petting included sheep, goats, calves, donkeys, a rabbit and a dog. In addition, bell ringers accepted contributions to the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle and school librarians with Books on Bikes handed out free children’s books.

A highlight of the evening was the ever-growing collection of animated LED lighted panels presented by Jones Market and BKS Dental. The Fort Atkinson Rotary Club also decorated the Rotary Depot with lights.

Photos from the event follow. 

Children pose for a photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus, and Jones mascot “Porkchop Jones.” Area photographer Ryan Ebert was on hand to take photos of families, with half of the $10 fee going to the United Way of Jefferson and North Walworth Counties.

Families walking along the Glacial River Trail Friday enjoy passing through a lighted tunnel. The presentation was one of many found along the trail. 

A full array of holiday decorations delight visitors.  

An event-goer makes friends with an inquisitive calf. Other animals available for visitors to pet included sheep, goats, donkeys, a dog and rabbit. 

Fort Atkinson High School FFA member Alex Garrett-Grandt holds “Oink,” a Dutch rabbit. Oink was among several animals at the event made available for petting. 

A young event-goer makes a selection at the children’s book giveaway. The activity was one of many found at the “Magic on Jones Avenue” event. 

Fort Atkinson High School choir members sing carols during the event. 

Lisa Bethard, at right, hands out goodies at a booth sponsored by Bender, Kind and Stafford Dental in Fort Atkinson. BKS Dental also sponsored some of the animated LED lighted panels in the display.

Chris Spangler photos.

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