Margaret Leslie Demuth

Margaret Leslie Demuth died in peace on August 14 at her home in the loving company of her husband, Steven Bower, and a small circle of friends. She was 69. Diagnosed with late stage cancer in October of last year, Leslie was fiercely determined to own the fullness of life – connecting with people and active in community work, even running a training the week before passing.

An artist and art teacher, Leslie had a parallel career as a community organizer. She helped establish the Art Alliance of Greater Lake Mills, the Lake Mills PIE Social (People Involved & Engaged) and Indivisible Jefferson County. She was co-chair of the Jefferson County Democrats. There she drove the party’s deep canvassing project, enlisting local volunteers to engage in conversations to bridge divides. 

She painted landscapes, capturing in oil on canvas the beauty of our world from the many places where she lived such as Isle au Haute, Maine; Salem, Mass.; and many areas of Wisconsin. With her art, Leslie invites us to notice with open eyes.

She is a graduate of the University of Kansas-Lawrence and of the UW-Madison, where she earned an MFA. For most of her career Leslie taught art at Columbus Elementary and Waunakee High. Leslie was a great colleague who brought energy, respect, and humor to the noble work of teaching, always focused on the students and what they need to feel confident. 

Leslie was a curious traveler and loved her many trips with Steve and friends, locally and abroad. She enjoyed all quiet nature activities, any walk anywhere, biking and canoeing with Steve at the stern. She and Steve shared a dedication to being stewards of the land. Together they built a solar home overlooking the Crawfish River, creating an ambitious vegetable garden, and participating in the Faville Grove Sanctuary native prairie restoration effort. Above all, she was known as an incredible cook. Everyone loved being a guest at her table for the amazing food, conversation, and friendships nurtured.   

Born in Washington, D.C., in 1954, Leslie is the second of four children of George R. and Margaret Wells DeMuth, who raised the family in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Leslie is predeceased by her brother Richard and her sister Sarah DeBlaey. She is survived by her brother George Edward and his wife, Martha, and children James, Bailey and Caelan. 

A gathering to honor Leslie will be held on Saturday, August 24, starting at 1:00pm at the Lake Mills City Hall Community Center, 200 Water Street. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance in Memory of Leslie DeMuth. Gifts will be used for the Faville Grove Sanctuary Land Fund.

Margaret Leslie Demuth

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