Matthew Buchholz named Jefferson High School’s 2022 Good Citizen

Jefferson High School student Matthew Buchholz has been named Good Citizen in 2022. 

According to information released by The Fort Atkinson Eli Pierce Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution — the organization which sponsors the annual recognition — achievements completed over the course of the last three years, distinguishing Buchholz as deserving of the honor, include maintaining an all-A’s record scholastically, including within such courses as  AP Calculus, AP European History, AP Physics, and AP Human Geography, along with his involvement in activities including  playing in the high school’s concert and symphonic bands, the jazz ensemble, the Steel Drum Band, and singing in the Vocal Jazz Ensemble. 

In addition, Buchholz’s list of achievements includes extracurricular activities such as playing football and tennis, membership in the Music Honors Society, and serving on the Student Council for two years. He also was a member of the Eagle Theater Council, the Spanish Honor Society and the National Honor Society.  

As a member of the Theater and Drama Club, he has been in one-act plays that went to state and had the leading role in “Little Shop of Horrors.” 

In October of 2021, the release continued, Buchholz was named Citizen of the Month and in November, he was named Music Student of the Month.   

Further, Buchholz was noted to enjoy the BASIC Thanksgiving Dinner each year. 

During the summer months when school in not in session, Buchholz works as a member of the School District of Jefferson ground crew. He also participates in his church’s youth group. 

According to the release, Buchholz enjoys volunteering through a work tech program offered through his church, and plays the piano, guitar and ukulele, during church services. He also takes private vocal lessons. 

Buchholz has applied to five colleges and plans to study music and teaching, with ambitions to work as a music teacher, the release noted.  

The Good Citizen recognition is given to a student who displays good citizenship, good character and high academic accomplishment, the release noted. 

Buchholz, along with other area recipients of the Good Citizen honor, will be a special guest at a luncheon to be held on March 2, 2023, at the Dwight Foster Public Library, Fort Atkinson. 

Buchholz is the son of Dan and Kimberly Buchholz of Jefferson, the release stated.  

The release noted that one of Buchholz’s music teachers described him as “one of the most thoughtful human beings I have ever met. He has integrity and character.” 

Another teacher described him as a “Renaissance student, outstanding in academics, athletics and the arts,” according to the release. 

Matthew Buchholz 

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