Paid advertisement: FAHS Show Choir offers car wash, brat sale

Fort Atkinson High School Show Choir students will be holding a car wash and brat sale, Saturday, Aug. 3. The fundraising activity will take place in the Fort Atkinson Pick ‘n Save parking lot between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The store is located at 1505 Madison Ave., Fort Atkinson. 

Students invite members of the public to get their car washed while enjoying a great deal on brats, hotdogs, chips, soda, water and desserts. 

A suggested donation for a car wash is $10. 

Click on the ad below to learn more about the Fort Atkinson Performing Arts Center and the various student groups that perform there. 

Click on the ad above to learn more about the Fort Atkinson Performing Arts Center and the student groups that perform there. 

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