Pancake breakfast, visit from St. Nicholas slated for Dec. 5

Knights of Columbus Council 3396 has announced it will be hosting a pancake breakfast, Sunday, Dec. 5, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 1660 Endl Blvd., Fort Atkinson. 

The breakfast features pancakes, Jones Dairy Farm breakfast sausage, egg dish and applesauce for a free-will donation, released information stated.  

St. Nicholas will visit the pancake breakfast after the 10 a.m. Mass to read a story about the history of St. Nicholas. While the story is being read, a special treat will be given to each participating child, according to the release.  

All proceeds from the breakfast will go to the St. Vincent de Paul Society to assist families in need during the Christmas season. Donors to the event include Jones Dairy Farm and Kwik Trip. 

For more information, contact Bob Pizur: 920-285-0175.

Jeff Boos, at left, serves up second helpings of pancakes during a Knights of Columbus breakfast held on Oct. 20, 2019. Contributed photo/James Debilzen. 

Steve Benson, at left, and Bob Aulik work together to serve breakfast sausages from Jones Dairy Farm during a pancake breakfast held in October of 2019. Contributed photo/James Debilzen. 

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