Fort FFA petting zoo comes to Purdy

Members of the Fort Atkinson High School FFA brought a petting zoo to Purdy Elementary School on Wednesday.

One by one, classes went outside to visit and pet the goats, sheep, ducks, chickens, guinea pigs, a mini horse, a mini donkey, a heifer, a llama, rabbits and a potbellied pig.

The FFA members shared information about the animals and answered many questions ranging from how old the animals were and what types of food they ate.

Photos from the event follow. 

Fort Atkinson High School FFA member Karmyn Gross, at left, introduces her llama, named “Lady Ashley,” to Purdy Elementary School pupils.  

Fort Atkinson High School FFA member Cal Anderson, at left, introduces Purdy Elementary School youngsters to two sheep.

Fort Atkinson High School FFA members Mariah Luebke, pictured holding a chicken, and Cyleen Pint, far right, share information about chickens with Purdy pupils. The children were given an opportunity to pet and touch a hen. 

Hailey Droster, a member of the Fort Atkinson High School FFA, introduces a Purdy Elementary School pupils to sister ducks, “Elsa” and “Anna.” Droster is holding Elsa with the head below her arm to prevent biting.

Fort Atkinson High School FFA member Jeffery Kutz, at left, introduces his mini donkey named “Eeyore” to students at Purdy Elementary School. Two goats accompanied the donkey in its pen. Kutz said the donkey served as a protector to the other animals.

Two photos above: Marnie Draves, a Fort Atkinson High School FFA member, top photo, at left, shows Purdy Elementary School students her goats named “Buttercup” and “Snickers.” Both are 12 years old.

Fort Atkinson High School FFA member Liam Bos exhibits “Murv,” a Jersey-Angus-Limousin heifer at Wednesday’s Purdy Elementary School petting zoo.

Youngsters at Purdy Elementary School pet “Sadie,” a 1-year-old bay mini horse mare. Fort Atkinson High School FFA members and sisters, Jessica Besch, far left, and her sister, Hailey Besch, shared information about Sadie and answered questions.

Chris Spangler photos. 

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