Primary turnout steady in city of Fort Atkinson

By Chris Spangler

Turnout was steady as city of Fort Atkinson electors went to the polls for Tuesday’s partisan primary election.

More than a quarter of registered voters had cast ballots as of 4:15 p.m., City Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Ebbert said late Tuesday afternoon.

“We’ve had just over 1,800 voters so far today; that’s about a 26% turnout,” she said. “Of the 1,800, we have about 30 new voters, which is fantastic for an August election.”

Altogether, 635 absentee ballots had been returned, with 166 outstanding as of 4:30 p.m. 

Ebbert said that voter turnout in all elections has grown in recent years.

“Within the last four to six years, I would say, there has been a turn in participation. In every election, there is at least 10 to 15% more turnout than there was in the past. That is really good,” she said.

The clerk/treasurer noted that has thrown her traditional methods of planning for ordering ballots “out the window.

“Now I think, ‘I’m going to have a minimum of this number, and I’ll need 20% more,’” she said.

Ebbert said that in a primary such as Tuesday’s — when there are so many choices on the federal, state and county levels — voters have a lot to think about.

Primary races on the ballot are those for U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, state Senate, state Assembly, Jefferson County sheriff and Jefferson County clerk of circuit court, as well as those for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state and state treasurer. 

Winners will advance to the Nov. 8 general election.

“It’s very interesting how you have to consider how you fill out your ballot: thinking of your candidate, but also thinking of the competitor of your candidate. There are lots of different outcomes,” the clerk/treasurer said.

Voters are being asked to select candidates on the primary ballot from within a single party. 

Meanwhile, Ebbert said that in addition to good turnout, she was receiving a lot of interest from prospective poll workers.

“I have a lot of people coming forward who want to work elections, which is fantastic, so in September, I’m going to have a training to get some new people on board,” she said.

“I have diehards, too, of course,” she continued. “I have one person who said, ‘I’ve been volunteering since Nixon and I don’t want to stop.’ Well, you don’t have to stop.”

Polling places are open until 8 p.m.

Poll worker Vicki James checks in Fort Atkinson resident Edith Lindert at the polls Thursday afternoon.

Fort Atkinson voters line up to check in and receive their ballot in Tuesday’s partisan primary election.

A Fort Atkinson voter places her completed ballot in the “ballot box.”

Chris Spangler photos. 

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