Pro-Life? Pro-Birth.
Letter to the editor:
My friend and his wife have a three-year-old daughter, and just brought their newborn son home from the hospital. They overheard their daughter asking her young brother, “What is heaven like?”
Her logic is that babies come from heaven, and since he had just arrived, her brother might remember heaven. Anyone who has ever held a newborn knows that each new life is indeed a miracle!
However, I taught in the public schools for 40 years, and worked with too many children who did not receive the love and support that each child deserves. (Maslow, 1943).
It seems to me that most people who call themselves pro-life are in reality only pro-birth. Ron Johnson. Once the child is born (even in cases where the health of the mother is threatened), they consider their job complete. Tim Michels.
There are a variety of ways to support children: approve school funding, support educators and after-school programs, Big Brother-Big Sister, and fostering or adoption.
Tony Evers has supported schools for many years. Unemployment is at historic lows and our state has the largest budget surplus ever. Vote Tony and Mandela on November 8.
Jim Marousis
Fort Atkinson
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