“Protect the pollinators!” is a virtual program for kids and families that has been developed with help from the staff at the Dwight Foster Public Library and inspired by the Heart of the City’s No Mow May initiative. The virtual presentation will be held Thursday, May 6, at 4 p.m.
Do you like eating fruits and vegetables? How about chocolate?
Join Kristin Halverson, a conservationist, nature-fanatic, amateur native-plant gardener, curriculum specialist and former teacher, to find out what those questions have to do with pollinators. Learn more about what is going on with pollinators and how you can help.
There will be a hands-on activity portion to this program, so make sure to pick up a program companion packet at the library prior to the program.
You’ll also get a pollinator activity booklet and a free milkweed plug to take home and plant for monarch butterflies.
Click here to register for this interactive Zoom meeting.
The library will contact registrants the week before the program to arrange packet pickup. This program is recommended for kids in kindergarten through third grade and their families.
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