Readings with RadioRon: ‘Over the River’

Happy Thanksgiving all, from contributor RadioRon Stelse and Fort Atkinson Online, LLC. Please enjoy this holiday classic, “Over the River,” in this original audio rendition by RadioRon. 

About the piece: “Over the River and Through the Wood,” was originally published as a poem about a New-Englander’s trip on Thanksgiving Day. The poem was originally published in a children’s book, titled: “Flowers for Children, Volume 2,” in 1844. The poem’s author, Lydia Maria Child, was a novelist, journalist, teacher and poet, according to information supplied by The full Wikipedia post is here:

Ron “RadioRon” Stelse has worked within the radio industry for 45 years, including three years spent reading for the blind. He also worked with computers, from mainframes to PCs, and has taught a bit of tennis. He enjoys computer chess, watching public TV, tennis and working on audio projects. He has written over 600 poems. RadioRon is a resident of Fort Atkinson.  (Audio file photo, contributed/Ron Stelse.) 

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us and RadioRon is preparing for the holidays. He’s weighing his options, making selections, considering the ingredients of what’s in good taste, and he’s getting ready to read. This selection, just in time for Thanksgiving, is a holiday classic. File photo/Kim McDarison. 

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