Editor’s note: the following information has been supplied by Kiefer Anderson who is the reporter for the Rock River 4-H Club, Fort Atkinson.
On Wednesday, April 6, the Rock River Clovers met at Rockwell Elementary School in Fort Atkinson. The Edward and Gefvert families led the pledges.
Roll call was: “What is a project you are working on for fair?”
The secretary, treasurer, and sunshine gave their reports.
Isabelle Anderson did her project talk speech on her beef calves.
Tawney Hadler did her project talk speech about her barn quilt signs and she has started her own business.
Trace Hadler did his project speech about his pig project.
Isabelle and Caroline Anderson spoke about the County-Wide project meeting on their attendance for the Hoards Dairy project.
Several members of our club spoke about the bowling party we held in March at Rock River Lanes.
Our club’s clothing orders were distributed.
Our club is participating in Feed Your Soul dinners and we are signing up to volunteer at future dinners.
We did an Earth Day cleanup on April 23 and 24 along the bike path behind Blodgett’s and downtown near Festival.
There will also be a countywide speech and poster contest with the theme “Careers on the Grow.”
Our club discussed the county fair livestock decorations for the barns. This year’s theme for the fair is the year of the sheep.
The Cloverbuds presented their bee craft project.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday May, 4 at 6:30 p.m., at Rockwell School. Cloverbuds will meet at 6 p.m.

Two photos above: Rock River Clovers participate in an Earth Day cleanup activity along the Fort Atkinson bike path.

Cloverbuds present their bee project led by Rock River 4-H Club member Tawney Hadler, pictured center.
Contributed photos.
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