Rock River Community Clinic names Nichols CEO

Editor’s note: Copy within the following press release has been adjusted to reflect a mistake made in its original published release date. Rock River Community Clinic regrets the error. 

Olivia Nichols has been named CEO/executive director of the Rock River Community Clinic (RRCC).

According to information released Tuesday, the organization has appointed Nichols, who is a 2010 graduate of Fort Atkinson High School. 

“Nichols (Hartwick) returns to Wisconsin after eight years in Alabama where she received her master of science (degree) and is currently finishing her doctorate in human development and family studies at Auburn University,” the release reported.

“Her research and teaching centers around identifying early contexts of support that improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities. She has presented her research at academic conferences throughout the U.S. and published numerous articles in academic journals including Sleep Medicine, Social Development, American Journal of Epidemiology, Cultural and Attachment and Human Development,” the release continued.  

Before attending Auburn University, Nichols received her bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in at-risk child youth care from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. 

“Olivia stood out because of her training and interest in the social determinants of health, which is part of the clinic’s mission. She also has a passion for health equity and making sure all of our residents have access to the health care they need,” Carol Quest, Rock River Community Clinic Board chairperson was quoted as saying in the release. 

According to the release, the RRCC was focused on finding a leader who could successfully establish the community clinic as a federally qualified health center, a move, the release noted, that would create longterm stability for the clinic and provide more services for its patients. 

The release stated that the clinic’s hiring committee found Nichols to be a good fit to help achieve the clinic’s goals, citing her skills and commitment as among tools that would help “bring our staff, our stakeholders and our patients together toward that end.” 

Within the release, Nichols was noted to have expressed excitement about her return to Wisconsin and the opportunity to use her education to bring new federal resources to the community. 

“As we work to become a federally qualified health center, I am eager to improve the quality of our care and increase community access to our care through expanded services that bring us closer to health equity as a community. I greatly look forward to working with our leadership team, our community partners, and the families we serve to remove barriers to health and become a healthier, more equitable community,” Nichols said in the release. 

About Rock River Community Clinic

According to the release, RRCC was formed in January 2020, merging the former Community Dental Clinic, the Rock River Free Medical Clinic, the Watertown Area Cares Clinic and including a new medical clinic site in Whitewater.  RRCC provides quality health care services, including medical, dental, and behavioral, to those who have decreased access to care due to financial limitations.  In addition, RRCC assists patients in finding community resources that reduce barriers to care and helps them navigate the local health care system.

About federally qualified health centers

According to the release, federally qualified health centers (FQHC) are community-based health centers that receive funds from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas. They must meet a stringent set of requirements, including providing care on a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay and operating under a governing board that includes patient representation. By becoming an FQHC, RRCC will receive federal funding, allowing the clinic to provide more services and increase access to health care in the community. 

Olivia Nichols

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