Rock River Dental has announced that it will be offering a candy buy-back event aimed at benefiting “Soldiers’ Angels.”
According to information released by the company, kids, ages 14 and under, are invited to bring their extra Halloween candy to Rock River Dental, 1951 Commerce Pkwy., Fort Atkinson, Thursday, Nov. 2, between 4 and 6 p.m.
The company will pay $1 per pound, up to 5 pounds, for the extra candy.
According to information released by the company, in past years, it has collected and shipped more than 100 pounds of candy which was “distributed to America’s heroes.
“Rock River Dental is proud to participate in the Soldiers’ Angels Treats for Troops to reduce excess sugar consumption, prevent dental decay, and teach children the importance of saying ‘thank you to all who serve,’” the release noted.
Children participating in the program will each receive a goodie bag, snacks, and will be entered into a drawing for a Culver’s gift card, the release stated.
Within the release, the company wrote that it encourages children to include a handwritten letter to troops to send along with their candy.
To learn more about the Rock River Dental buy-back initiative, call: 920-563-4415.
About Soldiers’ Angels
According to its website, Soldiers’ Angels is a global network of volunteers, with representatives in 50 states, Washington D.C., and 31 countries. The network works to “ensure that those who serve or have served are supported, uplifted and remembered through a variety of support programs.” For more information about the program, visit its website:

File photo/Kim McDarison.
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