Rockwell’s Hansen named ‘Educator of the Month’

The School District of Fort Atkinson has announced that Jessica Hansen has been named May’s Rotary Teacher of the Month.

According to information released by the district on Monday, Hansen is a Rockwell Elementary School classroom educator, teaching students in grades K-2 and has served as the school’s reading specialist.

She was presented with the honor on Monday.

Rockwell Elementary School Principal Jennifer Walden, addressing members of the Rotary Club of Fort Atkinson, said that  Hansen had a long history at Rockwell, dating back to her years as a kindergarten student at the school.

She was in Mrs. Leibman’s class, the principal said, adding: “Who would have guessed that four years later a boy named Drew would join her class in fourth grade and would one day become her husband.”

Hansen spent her formative years at schools within the School District of Fort Atkinson, Walden said, adding that after she graduated from Fort Atkinson High School, Hansen pursued a career in education, and, she said, she “found her way back to Rockwell for the past 12 of her 15 years in education,” where she has been serving the Rockwell students and families ever since.

During her remarks, Walden cited Hansen’s “passion and caring for her students,” which, she said, “was exemplified as she facilitated her role as a reading specialist during a global pandemic.

“Teaching students who are struggling readers to become strong readers takes a special gift, but doing it from different locations over Zoom is unfathomable,” the principal continued, noting that Hansen “did it with the grace and determination” every day. 

Walden said she sought remarks from staff members to help her honor Hansen.

Of Hansen, Walden said, the teacher’s colleagues said: “Jess has worked tirelessly this year with her class. She has made sure that her class is learning both curriculum and life skills as they move through second grade. In addition, Jess always helps to make Rockwell a fun and friendly place to be. She is an important member of our Social Sunshine Committee and organized fun staff Fridays in February. If you happened to be in the building on one of those Fridays you may have been asked: ‘Do you have a duck?’”

The comments from colleagues continued, with such remarks as: “Jess navigates each day with much grace and compassion. She continues to grow as a leader and a learner.

She comes to school each day with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She models true perseverance for her students. She is an amazing teacher.”

Walden additionally introduced Hansen as the wife of Drew, and the mother of a third-grader Elle and a sixth-grader Lily.

Rockwell Elementary School Principal Jennifer Walden, from left, Rockwell Elementary School teacher and May’s “Educator of the Month, Jessica Hansen, and her husband Drew gather in recognition of the honor bestowed upon the teacher Monday.  Contributed photo. 

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