Scheuerell named principal at Fort High School

The School District of Fort Atkinson has announced that Leigh Ann Scheuerell has been named principal of Fort Atkinson High School (FAHS). 

According to the release, Interim High School Principal Dr. Steve Sperry will continue to serve in his interim role through the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year. Scheuerell will begin her leadership at FAHS on July 1, 2022. Scheuerell serves as principal at Purdy Elementary School. 

“We are very excited to have Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell continue her professional journey on the 1FORT Leadership Team and as the next principal at Fort Atkinson High School. Not only does Mrs. Scheuerell have many successful years as an elementary classroom teacher and building leader both at the elementary and high school levels, she has served in many building and systems-level leadership roles which will serve our district well as we continue to improve teaching and learning for all of our students. Mrs. Scheuerell is the right person to move Fort Atkinson High School forward,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Rob Abbott was quoted as saying in the release. 

A change in leadership 

Last October, an announcement made by Abbot to district families stated the following: “I am reaching out this afternoon to you to make you aware that Mr. Halvorsen will be on an extended medical leave from his position at Fort Atkinson High School beginning next week. Mr. Halvorsen has shared with staff, ‘I have the utmost faith that our FAHS team along with our district office will be able to keep on track until my anticipated return.’  Dan and his family appreciate your continued support by way of positive thoughts.” 

Additionally, the release noted, “Dr. Steve Sperry will be joining the FAHS team in the capacity of interim principal.”

The release indicated that Sperry has 35 years of educational experience, having served roles as a technology education and special education teacher, high school assistant principal, middle school principal, and director of Administrative and Human Services.  Sperry has also worked in a consulting capacity in a variety of educational roles since his retirement from the School District of Janesville.

Sperry began serving as interim principal at the Fort Atkinson High School Nov. 3. 

Within an updated statement released in February, district families learned that Halvorsen was “continuing his medical leave for the remainder of this school year and will not be returning to the School District of Fort Atkinson after this year.”

Halvorsen served as high school principal within the School District of Fort Atkinson for 8.5 years, according to the announcement. 

Sperry, the announcement stated, “will continue as interim principal for the 2021-22 school year. 

About Scheuerell

Scheuerell holds 22 years of educational experience. She received her Bachelor of Education from UW-Whitewater and Masters of Educational Leadership from UW-La Crosse, then followed up with her Administration License from Viterbo University. In 2000, Scheuerell taught part of the first-ever full-time kindergarten program at Purdy Elementary and in 2004, shifted to teach second grade for the next eight years. In 2009, Scheuerell was a recipient of the Herb Kohl Fellowship for Excellence in Education, the release stated.  

“In 2012, she had the opportunity to work as an associate principal of Fort Atkinson High School, which gave her the gift of watching her first kindergarten class walk the stage at graduation,” the release read.

Scheuerell has continued her leadership skills as principal of Purdy Elementary for the last 8 years, the release noted.  

Scheuerell and her husband, Jeff, have been longtime residents of Fort Atkinson and have raised their two children in the community and district. Their daughter Elly is finishing her Freshman year at UW-Madison and their son Eli is completing his freshman year at Fort Atkinson High School. Scheuerell is an active member of Trinity Lutheran Church, the local chapter of the Fort Atkinson Optimist Club and VOICES at Fort Atkinson High School. 

I am so very proud to have dedicated my entire career to the School District of Fort Atkinson and have been blessed to work with countless amazing educators, students and families. I appreciate the constant support that comes from living and working in a community that leads its existence in such a supportive and caring way. I am looking forward to the new challenges, learning and celebrations that are ahead in my role as principal of Fort Atkinson High School. Together, we can show that we are a district of distinction and a desirable place to work and learn,” Scheuerell was quoted as saying in the release. 

En Espanol 

El Distrito Escolar de Fort Atkinson se complace en anunciar que Leigh Ann Scheuerell ha sido nombrada nueva directora de la Escuela Secundaria de Fort Atkinson. 

Scheuerell es actualmente directora de la Escuela Primaria Purdy. El Dr. Sperry continuará sirviendo como director interino de la escuela secundaria hasta el resto del año escolar 2021-2022. La Sra. Scheuerell comenzará su liderazgo en FAHS el 1 de julio de 2022. 

El Dr. Rob Abbott, superintendente de las escuelas, señaló: “Estamos muy contentos de que la Sra. Leigh Ann Scheuerell continúe su trayectoria profesional en el equipo de liderazgo de 1FORT y como próxima directora de la escuela secundaria de Fort Atkinson. La Sra. Scheuerell no sólo tiene muchos años de éxito como profesora de primaria y líder del edificio, tanto a nivel de primaria como de secundaria, sino que ha desempeñado muchas funciones de liderazgo a nivel del edificio y del sistema que servirán a nuestro distrito para seguir mejorando la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de todos nuestros estudiantes. La Sra. Scheuerell es la persona adecuada para hacer avanzar al instituto de Fort Atkinson”. 

Scheuerell cuenta con 22 años de experiencia educativa. Recibió su Licenciatura en Educación de UW-Whitewater y Maestría en Liderazgo Educativo de UW-La Crosse, luego siguió con su Licencia de Administración de la Universidad de Viterbo. En 2000, Scheuerell enseñó parte del primer programa de kindergarten a tiempo completo en la escuela primaria Purdy y en 2004, pasó a enseñar segundo grado durante los siguientes 8 años. En 2009, Scheuerell recibió la Beca Herb Kohl para la Excelencia en la Educación. En 2012, tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar como directora asociada de Fort Atkinson High School, lo que le dio el regalo de ver a su primera clase de jardín de infantes caminar por el escenario en la graduación. Leigh Ann tuvo el honor de continuar con sus habilidades de liderazgo como directora de Purdy Elementary durante los últimos 8 años. 

Leigh Ann y su marido Jeff llevan mucho tiempo residiendo en Fort Atkinson y han criado a sus dos hijos en la comunidad y el distrito. Su hija Elly está terminando su primer año en UW-Madison y su hijo Eli está terminando su primer año en Fort Atkinson High School. Actualmente, Leigh Ann es miembro activo de la Iglesia Luterana de la Trinidad, de la sección local del Club de Optimistas de Fort Atkinson y de VOICES en la Escuela Secundaria de Fort Atkinson. 

Al aceptar su nuevo cargo, la Sra. Scheuerell declaró: “Estoy muy orgullosa de haber dedicado toda mi carrera al Distrito Escolar de Fort Atkinson y he tenido la bendición de trabajar con innumerables educadores, estudiantes y familias increíbles. Aprecio el apoyo constante que proviene de vivir y trabajar en una comunidad que lleva su existencia de una manera tan solidaria y atenta. Espero con ansias los nuevos desafíos, el aprendizaje y las celebraciones que se avecinan en mi rol de directora de la Escuela Secundaria Fort Atkinson. Juntos, podemos demostrar que SOMOS un distrito de distinción y un lugar deseable para trabajar y aprender.” 

“Es maravilloso que nuestra mejor candidata tenga fuertes lazos comunitarios y familiares en Fort Atkinson, donde podrá seguir construyendo sobre sus ya fuertes relaciones comunitarias. Leigh Ann y su familia han invertido en Fort, y estamos entusiasmados de que continúe su fuerte liderazgo en la Escuela Secundaria de Fort Atkinson”, continuó Abbott. 

Por favor, únanse a la Junta de Educación y al Distrito Escolar de Fort Atkinson para dar la bienvenida a la Sra. Leigh Ann Scheuerell a su nueva posición dentro de nuestra comunidad. 

Leigh Ann Scheuerell

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