School district: ‘property owners to see 12% reduction in mill rate compared to last year’ 

The School District of Fort Atkinson Board of Education Tuesday approved a reduction in the district’s mill rate for the 2023-24 school year, according to information released Wednesday by the district.

Within the release, the district called the decrease in the mill rate “historic,” further noting that it will be “the lowest the rate has been since 2008.”

As noted within the release, “the 2023-2024 approved mill rate of $9.61 per $1,000 of equalized assessed property value is down about 12% from last year’s mill rate of $10.95. The owner of a $200,000 home would pay about $1,922 in school taxes, from last year’s total of $2,190, depending on municipality. However, with the recent increase in the assessed values of many homes, an individual homeowner’s net reduction may vary.”

Additionally, the release noted: “The total school levy for the 2023-24 school year is $21,434,310, including $12,339,760 for the general fund, $8,900,000 in referendum debt, and $194,550 in non-referendum debt.”

Further, the release stated, “private school vouchers account for $1,699,858 of the district’s operating expenses, or 7.9% of the district’s total tax levy.”

“We are pleased that we have been able to present a budget to our community that includes a historic decrease in the mill rate for property owners. While this is positive news, our district also faces longterm financial challenges that will continue to have an impact on our students, staff, and families. We remain committed to making the most of the funds available to us and ensuring the sound financial management of our school district,” School District of Fort Atkinson Superintendent Rob Abbott was quoted as saying in the release.

Due largely to the state of Wisconsin’s school funding formula and limited aid to schools over the past several years, the School District of Fort Atkinson is facing looming budget shortfalls. In spring 2023, several staff positions were reduced through attrition, resignations, retirements, and non-renewals for the 2023-24 school year, the release continued. 

The board of education is exploring a potential operational referendum to appear on the ballot in the spring of 2024 to help address the challenges, the release read. 

File photo/Chris Spangler. 

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