By Chris Spangler
A group of employees who rolled with each punch the coronavirus pandemic dished out and never missed a beat was recognized by the School District of Fort Atkinson Thursday morning.
The district’s nutrition team was presented the Outstanding Support Staff Award of Excellence during the annual convocation at Fort Atkinson High School.
The honor is given annually to an individual — or in this case, a group of 17 individuals — for going the extra mile in supporting the district and its children.
“This year’s recipient was recognized for the perseverance they demonstrated during what was aptly described as an ‘unorthodox’ year,” Director of Pupil Services and Special Education Lisa Hollenberger said, referring to the COVID-19 pandemic as she announced the award.
“While many of us cringe at the use of the word ‘pivot’ when it comes to describing the level and frequency of changes we needed to respond to, this word 100% encompasses what this year’s recipient had to consistently demonstrate,” she added,
Hollenberger noted that the nutrition team was required to design entirely new systems to accommodate each new schedule or mitigation requirement that was put into place, and the members never missed a beat.
“Their work reached every single student and made sure needs were met so learning could occur, regardless of the learning format,” she said.
The nutrition team worked well outside of a traditional school schedule to meet the needs of those in the schools and those in the greater community and again, Hollenberger added.
“As written in the nomination letter, ‘… the nature of this nomination fully reflects the true meaning behind ‘one team.’ This nomination embodies what the ‘support’ in support staff really means as they work daily to support each other, our mission and students so they can succeed,” she said.
Members of the honored nutrition team are: Katy Anfang-Kruizenga, Kimberly Baker, Patricia Bankert, Janet Bills, Candace Butz Pint, Meladee Carey, Dana Dahlke, Tabatha Edwards, Sharon Hacht, Ann Holzli, Lisa Kutz, Mark Marquart, Cynthia Maxwell, Laurie Meske, Sigrid Reich, Brooke Schultz and Dalelyn Stock.
The nomination letter, written by Christina Oswald, district nutrition director, explained some of the punches the coronavirus dished out and how the nutrition team punched back.
“As you are aware, the entire 2020-21 school year has also been a bit ‘unorthodox,’ if you will, but despite this, this group has persevered, packing meals in boxes for not only our students, but for any child that needed meals in our entire community,” Oswald wrote.
“Now, with just days to prepare, we had to design a whole new procedure for serving meals that allowed for physical distancing, no self-serving of any meal component and, of course, constant mask-wearing, even while working next to hot ovens and with hot water,” she said. “And again, they just rolled with it.”
Fast-forward two weeks and the shutdown began.
“The team instantly did another ‘pivot’ back to bagged and boxed meals, as many as the community needed, Oswald explained.
“But they didn’t stop there. The holidays were fast approaching, so they pulled together and, on top of the already hundreds of meal boxes being served, successfully executed the preparation of hundreds of Thanksgiving and holiday meals for Fort families,” she said.
They soon heard that their schools would reopen to students, but not all students would choose to return.
“In January, we successfully opened all kitchens once again, and continued to prepare meal boxes for our virtual students, younger siblings and kiddos that don’t attend our district schools, but need the meals,” Oswald said.
“Of course, our department was not spared from COVID cases. In January, we were hard hit with many of our folks being quarantined. Again, the remaining members picked up the slack and continued to serve students and staff with barely anyone from outside our department realizing how understaffed the crew had become.”
Oswald said that she realized nominating multiple people for the Support Staff Award of Excellence was not business as usual, but nothing about 2020-21 has been.
“I tried, but I could not single out one person on this team that deserves it more than the rest,” Oswald said. “Each and every one of them played a role in the department’s success and each and every one of them makes a difference for every child that passes through their lines”
She said that the team embodies what the ‘support’ in support staff really means.
“They are here at work daily, supporting each other, supporting our mission, supporting the students so they can succeed,” she added.
District Administrator Rob Abbott agreed.
“This team has truly been amazing, just like always, but man, this group has come together bigtime,” he said. “When we talked about Day One we’ll have food ready for our kids, Day One we had food ready for our kids, and it’s never stopped. Congratulations!
The nutrition team was among 33 individuals and groups nominated for the support staff honor.
“Thirty-three people, or groups of people, were recognized by their peers, supervisors, parents, community members and colleagues for focusing on student needs, building relationships and connections, keeping up with the ever-changing demands of a constantly changing environment, providing basic needs so students could focus on learning, establishing routines, schedules and expectations in school and beyond the classroom … and the list goes on,” Hollenberger said.
“It is safe to say that in a year filled with extra needs that required each of us to ‘shuffle,’ ‘change,’ ‘adjust’ ‘ readjust’ and ‘pivot,’ there were many who went above and beyond,” she added. “I am proud to be able to recognize those who are described as champions, team players and local heroes,” she added.
In addition to the district nutrition team, the nominees were: Tiffany Albrecht , special education aide, Barrie Elementary School; Sadie Anderson, special education aide, Rockwell Elementary School; Barb Athas, paraprofessional, Barrie; Lisa Brom, special education aide, Fort Atkinson Middle School; Cheryl Costa, paraprofessional, Purdy Elementary School; Jocelyn Dawson, special education aide, Fort Atkinson Middle School.
Also, Sarah Dewing, library aide, Purdy; Melanie Dunkleberger , administrative assistant, Luther Elementary School; Danny Fairfield, district building and grounds; Jacki Foelker, special education aide, Purdy; Bonnie Garthwait, paraprofessional, Barrie; Mahna Grossman, special education aide, Barrie; Kathy Hansen, special education aide, Barrie; Kris Hofer, paraprofessional, Purdy; Sabra Jacobsen, paraprofessional, Luther; Shaughn Kennedy, special education aide, Luther; Jamy Knaack, special education aide, Purdy; Kelly Knickrehm, paraprofessional, Barrie; Jamie Knutson, administrative assistant, Fort Atkinson High School.
And, Melissa Krahn, paraprofessional, Purdy; Kelly Opperman, special education aide, Purdy; Denise Poeppel, special education Aide, Luther; Emily Prisk , paraprofessional, Luther ; Heather Radloff, administrative assistant, Rockwell Elementary School; Deb Reichert, special education aide, Fort Atkinson Middle School; Yolanda Riddell , paraprofessional, Rockwell; Tonya Schultz , special education aide, Fort Atkinson Middle School; Andrea Stewart library aide, Luther; and Jenna Thornton, paraprofessional, Barrie; Kellie Todd, paraprofessional, Rockwell; Jen Vogel, paraprofessional, Luther ; Laura Waugh, special education aide, Fort Atkinson Middle School.
“Congratulations to all of our nominees and thank you for your dedication to our students and families,” Hollenberger concluded.
For more information on each of the nominees for the Support Staff Award for Excellence, as well as the Wildermuth Award for Excellence in Education (see related story), visit and

Above three photos: Members of the School District of Fort Atkinson nutrition team are called to the stage Thursday to receive the Outstanding Support Staff Award of Excellence during the annual convocation at Fort Atkinson High School.

Members of the School District of Fort Atkinson nutrition team take the stage after winning the Support Staff Award of Excellence during the district’s convocation Thursday.

Standing at the podium, Christina Oswald, district nutrition services director, who nominated the nutrition team for the Support Staff Award of Excellence, says a few words during the convocation Thursday.
Chris Spangler photos.
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