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Letter to the editor:
As superintendent of the Fort Atkinson School District from 1999 through 2013, I urge citizens of the School District of Fort Atkinson to vote ‘yes’ on Tuesday, April 4th.
A little history might be helpful here. In the early 1990’s, revenue limits were enacted into law to keep local property taxes down. Along with the revenue limits there was a commitment by the Legislature to cover two-thirds of general operating costs. Unfortunately for school districts the state broke its two-thirds commitment, but the revenue limits remained ratcheted on. This is critical for citizens to understand due to a school district’s main revenue sources come from state aid and property taxes. In essence state aid received by schools has been used for property tax relief, not increased school spending.
As superintendent we knew back in 2006, if we were going to maintain the programs and services, we needed to have in place for our students to reach their academic and personal potential, we would have to go back to our citizenry every three years requesting permission to exceed the revenue limits. I will always be grateful that during my tenure the citizens came through.
In reviewing the forecasting by Director of Business Jason Demerath, and in analyzing the impact of passing this referendum and defeating the $6.8 million deficit, the projected tax rate could decrease with the tax levy staying pretty consistent over the course of the next four years, giving the district the fiscal stability and footing it needs through 2026. That is an investment we must make for our youth and our outstanding educators and staff. As citizens we need to come through once again by approving this referendum April 4th. Vote yes.
Dr. James Fitzpatrick
Fort Atkinson
File photo.
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