Editor’s note: information below has been provided by a political candidate announcing his intention to run for office. Other candidates wishing to run for political office will have equal opportunity to announce their intentions.
Fort Atkinson resident Eric J. Schultz has announced his candidacy for Fort Atkinson City Council.
Schultz will be running in the spring election to be held Tuesday, April 5, 2022.
According to information released within the announcement, Schultz is a member of the Fort Atkinson Planning Commission, an active member in the Fort Atkinson Lions Club, a lifetime Veterans of Foreign Wars member, and a captain in the United States Army Reserve. He lives with his wife, Reeba Schultz, and stepchildren, Callen and Hattie.
Within the release, Schultz noted that he wants to see Fort Atkinson remain a great place to live and work for years to come.
“From the perspective of the city government, this means continuing to closely manage expenditures in the budget while still providing a high level of service and maintaining infrastructure to attract people and business,” Schultz was quoted as saying within the release.
Further, the release noted: He also wants to look at what other thriving communities in Wisconsin are doing and see if any ideas could be brought to Fort Atkinson.
“Serving on the Fort Atkinson Planning Commission, I know I can work effectively with the city manager, staff, and departments. I look forward to this opportunity to be a voice for the people and serve the community in this role,” Schultz noted in the release.

Eric Schultz
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