St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women donate $3,768 to homeless coalition

The St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women have announced that they have donated some $3,768 to the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson in support of its initiative to move to homes for use as transitional housing for families experiencing homelessness. 

According to information released by the council, the fundraising initiative was presented to the parishioners at St. Joseph through its Lenten Project. 

“Weekly bulletin announcements, a flyer in the bulletin at the beginning of the Lenten season and and periodic announcements from Fr. Tim Renz at weekend Masses all helped to get parishioners involved,” the release stated.  

The flyer detailed specific amounts for operating expenses; monthly costs for utilities,  taxi vouchers,  grocery cards, and other expenses, and listed personal care items that were needed, the release continued. 

Monetary donations as well as items for personal needs were collected through Easter Sunday. 

On Monday, May 2, Becky Tuttle of the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson was presented with a check in the amount of $3,768, and two large boxes of personal items. 

Co-chairs of the St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women project, Gail Cartwright, Shari Dunn and Olive Gross made the presentation in the Gathering Space of St. Joseph Church.

According to the release, the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson (HCFA) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit that provides transitional housing and emergency assistance to families and individuals in need in the Fort Atkinson area. With Fort HealthCare as a partner, the organization provided housing for two families, and two rental rooms through Cloute, Inc./Rocket Realty. The organization is in need of operational expenses. 

Project chairs of the St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women Lenten Project Olive Gross, second from left, followed by Gail Cartwright and Shari Dunn, present Becky Tuttle, at left, with a donation of money and goods to be used in support of the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson projects. The presentation was made at the church on May 2. Contributed photo. 

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