St. Paul’s delivers board books to Fort hospital

On Friday morning, representatives from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School in Fort Atkinson delivered a gift of board books to the Obstetrics Department at Fort Memorial Hospital. 

These books are intended to be given out as gifts to new babies delivered at the Fort Atkinson hospital. 

The donation is a result of a “Board Books for Babies” book drive held this past March at both St. Paul’s school and church. The book drive was organized by St. Paul’s Outreach Committee and promoted internally. 

St. Paul’s School also used $500 of Scholastic Book money that it had accrued to purchase additional board books through Scholastic. A total 121 new books were donated to the book drive.

This book drive was held as a means for St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School to give back to the Fort Atkinson community and as a way to offer a small birthday present to the new little blessings born at the hospital. 

On Friday morning, representatives from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School in Fort Atkinson delivered a gift of board books to the Obstetrics Department for newborns at Fort Memorial Hospital. Pictured receiving the books, on behalf of the hospital is Lori McCulloch from the Obstetrics Department, shown at left in the back row. Presenting the books to the hospital, on behalf of St. Paul’s, are, from left to right: Front Row —Tessa Schmocker, Lillian Frohmader and Vivian Stahl, all students of the eighth-grade class at St. Paul’s School; Back Row — Pastor David Ernest, outreach minister; Daniel Bredendick, principal of St. Paul’s Lutheran School; and Rebecca Graumann, early childhood director at St. Paul’s. Dave Frohmader photo. 

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