St. Paul’s Lutheran kicks off 2022-23 school year

Officials at the St. Paul’s Lutheran School, 309 Bluff St., Fort Atkinson, have announced that students began the 2022-23 school year Wednesday. 

This year, the school has a new principal, Craig Breitkreutz, according to information supplied by the school. 

On Wednesday, children began the school day by settling into their classrooms. After “morning business” was dispensed, the children walked across the street to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church where they participated in an opening worship service led by Pastor Matthew Vik, the release continued. 

The students returned to the school and proceeded with the rest of the school day, the release concluded. 

According to its Facebook page, St. Paul’s Lutheran School is a private institution serving students in grades K-8. As of 2018, enrollment was reported at 170 students. 

According to the school’s website, the school was founded in 1868, seven years after the founding of the St. Paul’s congregation. In its earliest days, school was held four days a week for not less than six months a year. Classes were held in a room of the church and were taught by Pastor J. H. Brockmann. 

A schoolhouse was built in 1869 between the church and the parsonage, and a teacher arrived to help the pastor In 1876. With the expansion of the parsonage, the school was relocated to what is today the east end of the property’s parking lot in 1895. 

Curriculum in the early years was noted on the website to be “quite simple” and “conducted in German.” 

For more information about the church and school, visit: 

Pictures from the first day of school follow. 

Principal Craig Breitkreutz, at right, greets the Smith family, including: Ashley, from left, Sadie, Braxton, Nate and Violet  as they enter the school Wednesday, which marked the first day of the 2022-23 school year. 

Students in Mrs. Koester’s third- and fourth-grade class read about activities which will begin each day of school. An interactive screen aids with the task. The screens are new in classrooms this year, replacing smart boards. 

Mrs. Bekah Brokl, a 3K aide, reads a book with Eli, Who is a student in Ms. Rutherford’s classroom.

Third- and fourth-grade teacher Brenda Koester presents information to her new students. 

First- and second-grade teacher Dyann Nommensen teaches new students about daily classroom routines.

Ruby, a 3K student, shares her new hat, colored in honor of the first day of school.

Colt and Julia, both 3K students, draw pictures in Ms. Rutherford’s classroom

4K teacher Stephanie Sennhenn collects her students as they prepare for a morning break with snacks.

4K students line up in advance of  acrossing the street to St. Paul’s Church for the opening worship service.

Students in Mrs. Koester’s third- and fourth-grade class assist students in Mrs. Otterstatter’s Kindergarten class as they cross the street to St. Paul’s Church.  

St. Paul’s School students sing a hymn during the opening worship service.

The student body of St. Paul’s School, along with teachers and some parents, attend the opening worship service at St. Paul’s Church. Along with singing hymns, Pastor Matthew Vik delivered a brief sermon to the children to prepare them for the upcoming school year. 

Craig Breitkreutz, principal, from upper right and moving clockwise; Charissa Breitkreutz, 4K teacher; Brenda Koester, third- and fourth-grade teacher; Kelly Otterstatter, kindergarten teacher; Stephanie Sennhenn, 4K teacher; Angel Erickson, 3K teacher; Samantha Rutherford, 3K teacher; Joe Graumann, history, tech and physical education teacher; Becky Graumann, early childhood director; Dyann Nommensen, first- and second-grade teacher; Jennifer Vik, fifth- and sixth-grade teacher, and Brad Nommensen, seventh- and eighth-grade teacher meet before classes start in the school’s new conference room. 
Contributed photos/David Frohmader

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