Stehling presented with ‘Outstanding Service by a DAR Member in the Promotion of Literacy’ award 

Janet Stehling, Jefferson, has been recognized both statewide and nationally for literacy promotion as a member of the Wisconsin Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), according to a recent news release submitted by a local chapter of the group.

A member of the Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce DAR Chapter, Stehling received first place in Wisconsin for “Outstanding Service by a DAR Member in the Promotion of Literacy.”

The Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce DAR Chapter includes members from Fort Atkinson, Whitewater and the broader area, including, Watertown, Lake Mills, Jefferson, Milton, and Janesville, among other communities.

The Fort Atkinson chapter was organized in 1899, and, according to an earlier press release, was “one of the earliest and largest chapters in Wisconsin for many years.”

The Eli Pierce Chapter was founded in Whitewater in 1941. The two chapters merged in 1992.

Eli Pierce, for whom the Whitewater chapter was named, served during the American Revolutionary War, according to, as a private in the Rhode Island minutemen under Capt. Brownwell, and with the Massachusetts line under Col. Lippett, Col. Thomas Marshall and Capt. Amasa Sopper.

He died at the age of 90 in December of 1852 while living in Watertown. He is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Whitewater. Information about Pierce, as presented by is here:

The recognition was presented to Stehling at the 2023 state DAR spring convention in Green Bay, according to the local chapter’s release. 

Recently, the release continued, she was notified by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) that its Literacy Promotion Committee was honoring her for “Outstanding Service-Literacy Initiatives with Incarcerated Adults.”

The certificate was signed by Pamela Edwards Rouse Wright, president general of NSDAR, and Allison D. Holland, national chair for the Literacy Promotion Committee.

In addition, the release noted, the Wisconsin Society DAR was awarded third place in the nation for “Outstanding Literacy Promotion” at the Continental Congress in Washington D.C.

Stehling became a DAR member in 2015 and was chosen as the Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Chapter’s literacy promotion chair.

She holds a master’s degree in reading and has many credits in learning disabilities from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Stehling taught in the School District of Jefferson for 31 years, including as a kindergarten, first-grade, second-grade and Title I reading teacher.

“Through my effort with my Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce DAR Chapter, I have established an active relationship with the Jefferson County Literacy Council (JCLC),” Stehling was quoted as saying in the release.

Stehling noted within the release that for 20 years, the JCLC has served community members who want to improve their reading, math and job skills.

“JCLC delivers adult education, English as a Second Language, GED preparation in both English and Spanish, U.S. Citizenship and jail literacy programs across eight different communities without interconnecting transportation,” she said.

According to the release, Stehling reported that in 2022, the JCLC provided services to 50 adults incarcerated at the Jefferson County Jail.

“For the past few years, our DAR chapter has decided to continue helping to educate the justice-involved population,” she said.

Each October, Stehling meets with the JCLC’s executive director — formerly Lynn Forseth and now Pamela Waters — to find out how the DAR chapter might assist, the release continued. 

Additionally, the release reported, during 2023, the chapter donated $150 to be used as the executive director chooses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the money went toward purchasing computer programs for students to use at home.

In addition, the local DAR chapter members purchase supplies that are collected in November and given to the JCLC for use by incarcerated adults. They include books, crossword puzzle and word-find paperbacks, drawing paper, adult coloring books, stationery, colored pencils and more than 100 all-occasion greeting cards.

The chapter also donates holiday cards and Stehling buys 80 to 100 UNICEF holiday cards at Tuttle’s Hallmark in Fort Atkinson for a program called “Holiday Magic Letters.” These enable inmates to send them to and communicate with family members during the holiday season.

“Our help was especially needed this past year because of a multimillion-dollar restoration of the Jefferson County Courthouse. All the offices were moved except the jail and the inmates stayed in one place,” Stehling noted within the release. 

Citing a thank-you note to the DAR chapter, the release stated: “We are grateful for your continued mission. The Jefferson County Literacy Council especially appreciates your commitment to the holiday letter-writing campaign at the Jefferson County Jail.

“Developing a better community through literacy is our mission and your gift enables JCLC to offer professional and reliable adult learning opportunities in our communities.”

The recipient of a certificate from the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) for “Outstanding Service-Literacy Initiatives with Incarcerated Adults,” Janet Stehling, Jefferson, at left, and regent of the Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Chapter of DAR, Nancy Olson, Fort Atkinson, gather recently in honor of Stehling’s recognition. Contributed photo. 

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