Support offered for Kromholz, Coburn, Huempfner

Editor’s note: The following letter is an endorsement of a political candidate. Letters endorsing or in opposition to political candidates or election ballot issues will be published up until one week before the applicable election. Authors are limited to one letter per week. Letters of endorsement may not be written by the candidate being endorsed, nor may candidates write letters of endorsement or in opposition to their election opponents. Our full letters policy is here:

Letter to the editor: 

I am writing to express my support for Joseph Kromholz, Thayer Coburn and Lisa Huempfner for the Whitewater Unified School District board in the upcoming election. 

Joe is an attorney, Thayer, a local businessman and Lisa, a Spanish professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. The three are dedicated to the conviction that public education is important. They believe that in its decisions and actions the board must be both accountable and transparent to the public and must back up those decisions and actions with data and facts. 

They are willing to devote their time and energy to the board. I encourage you to vote for Joe, Thayer and Lisa on April 4. 

Dave Stoneman


File photo. 

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