Edmund Manydeeds, III, president of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, and Michael J. Falbo, interim president of the UW System, announced Wednesday the appointment of a 12-member Search and Screen Committee to help identify the next University of Wisconsin-Whitewater chancellor.
Regent Amy Blumenfeld Bogost will chair the Search and Screen Committee. Lynn Gilbertson, associate professor and department chair in the College of Education and Professional Studies, will serve as vice chair, according to information released by the UW System.
Other members of the committee include:
• Tanja Anderson, campus administrative specialist, Rock County Campus;
• Hector Colón, regent;
• Ciera Edwards, associate director, University Bookstore;
• Lynn Gardinier, community/alumni representative;
• Kimberly Nath, associate professor, College of Letters and Sciences;
• Praveen Parboteeah, professor, College of Business and Economics;
• Ashok Rai, regent;
• Davin Stavroplos, student;
• Jill Underly, regent, and
• Kyle Weatherly, regent.
“This is a critically important search. The students, faculty and staff of UW-Whitewater have been resilient and dedicated, and they deserve stable leadership,” Manydeeds was quoted as saying in the release.
According to the release, the Search and Screen Committee is expected to convene in the coming weeks, when Manydeeds will charge the committee with its mission and review search procedures. The national search is expected to officially begin July 1.
A team of staff from UW System Human Resources, the Office of the Board of Regents, and the executive search firm of Isaacson, Miller will assist the committee throughout the search process, the release stated.
“The committee will determine and interview candidates. A Special Regent Committee will review candidates forwarded by the Search and Screen Committee. The Special Regent Committee will include regents Bogost, Colón, Rai, Underly, and Weatherly and will be chaired by Bogost,” the release noted.
The successful candidate will require the approval of the full Board of Regents, the release concluded.
About the UW System
According to the release, The University of Wisconsin System serves approximately 165,000 students. Awarding nearly 37,000 degrees annually, the UW System is Wisconsin’s talent pipeline, putting graduates in position to increase their earning power, contribute to their communities, and make Wisconsin a better place to live. Nearly 90% of in-state UW System graduates stay in Wisconsin five years after earning a degree, with a median salary of more than $66,000. The UW System provides a 23:1 return on state investment. UW System universities also contribute to the richness of Wisconsin’s culture and economy with groundbreaking research, new companies and patents, and boundless creative intellectual energy.

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, file photo/Kim McDarison.
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