TDS launches services in Fort Atkinson; upcoming launch anticipated in Whitewater

TDS Telecommunications LLC announced on Wednesday that it has launched its service in Fort Atkinson, making its first connection to the company’s high-speed, all-fiber internet.

According to information released by the company, construction began last fall on the project, which is anticipated to bring internet speeds up to 8Gig plus TV and phone service.

The release states: “At 8Gig, files of any size can be uploaded or downloaded nearly instantly, making the network ideal for commercial customers as well as households with large, shared internet needs.”

The company anticipates that its service will become available neighborhood by neighborhood as construction completes.

The company expects to be able to provide approximately 6,100 homes and businesses in the area with access to the network.

“We’re excited to take this big step forward and begin connecting residents and businesses to world-class services. While more work remains, we’re proud of our progress and we thank residents and businesses for their patience during construction,” Anna Jensen, associate manager of field marketing in Fort Atkinson, was quoted as saying in the release. 

According to the release, TDS has been active in Fort Atkinson through its sponsorship of community events such as the Summer Charity Concerts, Fort Atkinson Chamber Rhapsody, Fort Fall Fiesta, and the BASE Duck Race and Wings and Wheels events.

In upcoming build areas, residents will be notified in several ways before construction starts, including signage and by postcard, letter, and door hanger, the release stated.

Construction also is ongoing in other areas of Jefferson County, including the cities of  Jefferson, Watertown, and Whitewater. The first customers in Jefferson have been connected, while service is expected to launch soon in Watertown and Whitewater, the release continued.

For more information, including instructions on how to register for service and monitor progress of the build, visit

TDS field service technicians Andrew Worden, from left, Devondre Robertson, Aaron Starkey, and Tim Bruns install services Wednesday in the 400 block of Cherokee Lane, Fort Atkinson. The installation marks the launch of TDS in Fort Atkinson. Contributed photo. 

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