Tech Savvy 2022 focuses on girls and STEM

By Chris Spangler

Registration is underway for Tech Savvy 2022, a one-day Whitewater conference designed to inspire pupils in grades 6-9 — girls, in particular — in STEM fields.

While the program is tailored toward girls and their parents/mentors, registration also is open to interested boys.

The conference takes place at the at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30. Attendance is limited to the first registered 125 students and 125 parents/mentors.

Registrations are being accepted online until Sunday, April 24.

The fee is $10 per each student and parent/mentor, with a box lunch included. Students will receive a drawstring bag and T-shirt, the latter guaranteed if registered by Friday, April 8.

Students will experience hands-on activities led by professional women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. There will be a program for adults to learn more about working in the STEM fields, encouraging their children in STEM and helping them to prepare for college or technical school.

Students will be able to select three workshops. Topic titles and presenters are:

• “Build Your Own E-Card,” Kat Ray, software engineer at Yahara Software in Madison.

• “The Colors We Eat: Analyzing the Interactions of Light and Molecules,” Dr. Kimberly Naber, lecturer, Chemistry Department, UW–Whitewater.

• “Encryption and Secret Codes,” Laurie Salvail, curriculum development specialist with CYBER.ORG, Bossier City, La.

• “Engineer a Cell Phone Stand,” Angela Weier, nuclear design engineer at SHINE Technologies.

• “Go, Robot, Go!” Laura Masbruch, teacher and adviser of the Ferradermis FIRST Robotics team, Whitewater High School.

• “Surgical Intern for a Day,” Dr. Christine Chuppa, Dr. Molly Larson and Dr. Elizabeth Lynk, all obstetrics and gynecology, Fort HealthCare.

• “The Race to Action: How Pills Dissolve in Your Stomach!” Dr. Sarah Pagenkopf, director of pharmacy, Fort HealthCare; Dr. Courtney DeKeyser, pharmacy resident, Fort HealthCare.
• “The Science Behind the Food You Eat,” Terri Borneman, director of quality assurance, Jones Dairy Farm, Fort Atkinson.

• “Tiny Earth: An Underground Search for Antibiotics,” Dr. Heather Pelzel, associate professor of biological sciences, UW-Whitewater.

• “Wear Your Genes!” Dr. Kirsten Crossgrove, genetics and molecular biology, UW-Whitewater.

• “What Can Glowing Animals Teach Us?” Dr. Kris Curran, professor, Department of Biological Sciences, UW-Whitewater. 

• “Plasma Physics: What It Takes to Make a Star in a Jar!” Carolyn Schaefer, Rachel Sassella, Jill Peery, Molly Aslin, Louise Ferris and Kelly Garcia, graduate students in plasma physics, UW-Madison.

Meanwhile, parents/mentors will select two workshops. Topic titles and presenters are:

• “How Can Parents Help: Communicating with Teens,” Brian Bredeson, Career Development Center, UW-Whitewater; Erin Adams, sophomore, UW-Whitewater; Kyla Smith, senior, UW-Whitewater; and Taylor Wedge, senior at UW-Whitewater.

• “Let’s Talk About College Admissions and Financial Aids,” Sarah Duesterbeck, admission counselor, UW-Whitewater; Shirley Butler, senior financial aid officer, UW-Whitewater.

• “Making the Right Choice: Other Post-High School Educational Opportunities,” Bobbi Bishofberger, MATT Division chair and welding instructor, Blackhawk Technical College; Katie Blanchard, recruitment coordinator, Madison Area Technical College; and Kevon Fansler, sonar technician first class, Navy recruiter.

• “Learn about AAUW: Empower Women and Girls,” members of the American Association for University Women branches in Fort Atkinson and Janesville.

The afternoon keynote address, titled “Putting on a Show: The Interaction of Science and Art,” will be presented by Ruth Conrad-Prouix, technical director of the UW-Whitewater Department of Theatre and Dance.

A panel discussion will feature ”Stories and Secrets from Women in Tech Careers.” Participants are Dr. Luella Guzman-Price, pediatrician, Fort HealthCare; Emily Jackson, project engineer, JT Engineering Inc.; and Brittany Noe, project manager, Integrated Process Engineers & Constructors.

Sponsoring Tech Savvy are Fort HealthCare, Jones Dairy Farm, Spacesaver, Ball Corp., Alliant Energy, SHINE, Rock Road Companies and Watson Ace Hardware.

For more information about Tech Savvy 2022 and to register, visit

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, file photo/Kim McDarison. 

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