Turnout reported ‘steady’ at Fort polls

By Chris Spangler

Turnout was steady Tuesday morning as voting got underway in the city of Fort Atkinson.

By 10 a.m., 930 persons had cast ballots in the spring general election at the municipal building gymnasium.

Several issues of importance are on the ballot, including races for two city council and two School District of Fort Atkinson Board of Education seats, as well as a public safety referendum.   

The polls in Fort Atkinson and throughout Jefferson County remain open until 8 p.m.

Fort Atkinson resident Diane Abendroth, at right, checks in with poll worker Nancy Pett at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building Tuesday morning.

Periodic lines form at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building gymnasium as city residents arrive to vote. Turnout was observed as “steady” Tuesday. Pictured are residents engaged in the voting process at about 10 a.m.

Lori Koch of Fort Atkinson and her 1-year-old grandson, Kohen Luebke, sign in at the polls Tuesday morning with poll worker Nancy Pett. 

Pollworker Kathy Kakuschke hands a ballot to a Fort Atkinson voter.

A Fort Atkinson resident  places her ballot in the ballot machine after voting in the spring general election Tuesday morning.

Richard and Margaret Saur of Fort Atkinson sign in with pollworker Arlene Strunk Tuesday morning at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building.

Chris Spangler photos. 

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