Weidl: Urgent housing needed for displaced Hawk Alley Apartments tenants

Editor’s note: The following request for housing has been submitted for publication by Whitewater City Manager John Weidl. 

I have been working with a group of community members, including employees of the school district, university, and the League of Women Voters, who have been trying to secure rental housing for the tenants who are living in the Hawk Alley Apartments. Direct contact with the ownership group of the apartments indicates that the tenants were asked to vacate the premises in April and the deadline of June 30th is approaching. Several have found other places to live, but tenants from approximately 15 units are still in need of housing. Of these tenants, two consist of families with school‐aged children. These two families are our highest priority. 

In partnership with the city, the community group has talked to the four local hotels seeking long‐term stay arrangements at reduce prices. The least expensive option is $2,300 per month. The group has also looked into services from the Bethel House and Salvation Army. The group has even investigated whether space is available at the university and Fairhaven. While there is the potential for funding, the need is really in terms of available space in Whitewater. At this time, we are still seeking housing. 

Because of the urgency of the situation, we ask the members of the Whitewater Rental Association or anyone in the community to contact the city manager at citymanager@whitewater‐wi.gov if you have immediate housing availability for these families. 

John Weidl 

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