What future for ‘our grandchildren’?

Letter to the editor: 

When you vote on November 8 (or before), picture the community, state and country you want for your grandchildren.  Like many “baby boomers,” I want them to have what we were handed: clean air and water, public green spaces, sound roads and bridges, excellent public education, job opportunities with health insurance and a decent pension, a safety net for the elderly, disabled and our most vulnerable, and freedoms to create most any path we chose.  I want this upcoming generation to know that fairness, honesty and civility are valued by and expected from each other and especially from our elected officials.

Those circumstances didn’t just magically happen for us.  Voters elected officials who, along with civic-minded business leaders, made decisions and took actions that resulted in the reality we inherited.

Yes, much has changed since then, but our actions today still determine what kind of future we, collectively, create.  Who we elect affects not just now; it creates our shared future.  What kind of inheritance do we want for the next generation?  

Tony Evers, especially, embodies the values and champions actions that will create a positive future for our grandchildren and for all of us.  Vote Tony Evers for Governor.

Leigh Barker Cheesebro


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One Comment

  1. susanswoboda@gmail.com

    What if democrats in both chambers of Congress lose their majorities in November? 2020 election deniers will take control of the House of Representatives and appoint Donald Trump as their Speaker. They will move to impeach both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Senate, now controlled by republicans, will vote to remove them from office. The presidency will be filled by the newly appointed Speaker of the House, Donald Trump. He will declare that no more elections will be required in the future. He will stay in the position as long as he desires. Our Democracy will be replaced with Fascism. Trump will seek revenge on his perceived enemies and behave in the manner of role models such as Putin and other dictators. These things can happen if we fail to vote in November.
    Just because our Democracy has survived this long does not mean it will last forever. We have to cherish and protect it. Do not be lulled into complacency. After Roe vs. Wade we thought women would always have control over their own bodies. We all know how that worked out. Use your right to vote for Democrats in November. Reject Fascism. Save Democracy. Your vote is your superpower.
    Sue Swoboda, Whitewater

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