Whitewater: bulk pickup days announced

Bulk pickup in the city of Whitewater will take place on each Thursday in the month of May, a recent news release states. 

Dates include: May 5, 12, 9 and 26.

The release provides the following guidance:  

  • These bulk pickup days are for garbage or recycling items that are too large to fit in the totes. This does not include yard waste, construction materials, hazardous materials or electronics (including TVs).
  • Electronic recycling is scheduled for May 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Lot B (Cravath Lakefront). The city will be releasing updates, according to the release.
  • Place all large items including furniture, carpeting, large metal, large cardboard boxes (emptied and flattened) and appliances 6 ft. away from, not in front of or next to the totes.
  • Small, non-recycle items should be placed in a trash bag.
  • Small items such as automotive batteries, tires (2 per home per month), drain oil (in a sealed 1- to 5-gallon container) should be placed 6 feet away from totes.
  • Extra paper or bulk recycling should be bagged in clear plastic bags and placed at the curb away from totes.
  • Solid waste containers, recycling containers and bulk items should not be placed at the collection point before 4 p.m. on the day before the collection day.
  • Solid waste containers, recycling containers or bulk items should be removed from the curb before 9 a.m. on the day after the scheduled collection time. 

For additional pickup information or removal of TVs, please contact John’s Disposal at 262-473-4700 for disposal rates. Additional information regarding John’s Disposal can be found at: https://www.whitewater-wi.gov/231/Johns- Disposal-Service.

Information can also be found on the city’s website under Chapter 8.28: Refuse and Recyclables. A link is provided here:  https://library.municode.com/wi/whitewater/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT8HESA_CH8.28RERECO. 

Whitewater Municipal Building, file photo/Kim McDarison.  

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