Whitewater: City to collect Christmas trees Jan. 3, 10

Whitewater Department of Public Works employees will collect Christmas trees Tuesday, Jan. 3, and Tuesday, Jan. 10, according to a recent news release.

Residents are asked to place their trees on the terrace in front of their homes by 5 a.m. 

Residents may also schedule a pickup by calling the department before 5 a.m. on any Tuesday to schedule  a “brush pickup,” according to the release. 

Trees that have been flocked or contain wire will be picked up on the second Thursday of the month by John’s Disposal, which is the regularly scheduled bulk pickup day in Whitewater. 

Those interested in scheduling a brush pickup or with questions are asked to contact the Public Works Department by phone: 262-473-0560. 

For other requests, the release encouraged residents to visit https://www.whitewater-wi.gov/RequestTracker.aspx. 

Photo courtesy of unsplash.com/Bao Menglong. 

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