A nine-part spring lecture series will begin this month, according to information released by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Continuing Education department.
Lectures within the series will be held at Fairhaven Senior Services, 435 West Starin Rd., Whitewater.
This year, lectures within the series feature topics under a theme: “New Voices, Fresh Perspectives.”
According to the release, while the collaborative spring series has been offering lectures on such topics as art, literature, history and politics at the senior center since 1983, over the past few years, new experts — among them historians, sociologists and writers — have joined the UW-Whitewater faculty and staff. Many are eager to share their research and interests with members of the community, which have been developed as tools used to teach the next generation of teachers, accountants, entrepreneurs, coaches and citizens.
Lectures within the series are free and open to the public, the release stated.
Lectures are held on Mondays throughout the months of January, February and March, at 3 p.m., in the Fairhaven Senior Services Fellowship Hall.
According to the release, some lectures may be live-streamed on Facebook. Lectures also may be recorded and posted on YouTube.
Those interested in learning more about online offerings are encouraged to visit www.uww.edu/ce/fairhaven and www.facebook.com/UWWFairhavenLecture/ for videos, descriptions of lectures, and updates on the status of each lecture, the release noted.
Information also can be obtained by contacting Kari Borne, by email: bornek@uww.edu or phone: 262-472-1003.
A list of lecture titles follows.
• “Too Much of a Good Thing is Wonderful: Liberace’s Wisconsin Roots and Flamboyant Visibility from Milwaukee to Las Vegas,” presented by by Anna Hajdik, lecturer, languages and literatures, Jan. 23.
• “Feminism, Race, and White Privilege,” presented by Olivia McLaughlin, assistant professor, sociology, criminology, and anthropology, Jan. 30.
• “Exploring Special Education and Adult Outcomes of Students with Disabilities through an Intersectional Lens,” presented by Courtney Wilt, assistant professor, special education, Feb. 6.
• “Bilingual Education and School Privatization in Milwaukee,” presented by Andrew Hurie, assistant professor, curriculum and instruction, Feb. 13.
• “Trophies of War: Ottoman Tents Won in the Siege of Vienna in 1683,” presented by Ashley Dimmig, director, Crossman Gallery, Feb. 20.
• “Talking to Doctors: Health Communication Tips to Improve Your Healthcare Experience,” presented by Jonathan Dellinger, assistant professor, communication, Feb. 27.
• “The Challenge of Ethical Technical Communication: Revisiting the Organizational and Communication Failures of the Challenger Explosion,” presented by Jessica Lauer, assistant professor, languages and literatures, March 6.
• “History Underwater: An Introduction to Maritime Archaeology,” presented by Michelle Damian, assistant professor, history, March 13.
• “Disability Representation in Children’s and Young Adult Literature,” presented by Lauren Zepp, assistant professor, special education, March 20.

Fairhaven Senior Services, file photo/Ashley McDarison.
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