Whitewater: Outgoing city manager recognized, thanked for service

By Kim McDarison

Members of the City of Whitewater Common Council Tuesday formally thanked outgoing City Manager Cameron Clapper for his service.

While Tuesday’s meeting was originally slated to be Clapper’s last council meeting, during the meeting, council approved holding a special meeting likely before the next regularly scheduled meeting to discuss its continued plans to bring an operational referendum before voters in November to support the newly absorbed in-house city fire and EMS department. 

Would the meeting take place before Aug. 12, Clapper likely would be in attendance, he told Fort Atkinson Online Tuesday. 

The council’s next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Aug. 16. 

During the meeting, at the end of his final “City Manager’s Report,” Clapper, addressing those in attendance, saying of his tenure: “It’s been a pleasure and something that will not be forgotten.”

He expressed gratitude for “all those on the dais, as well as all those who have come before.”  

He reiterated: “It’s been an absolute pleasure and thank you all very much.” 

Also during Tuesday’s meeting, Council President Lisa Dawsey Smith read an acknowledgement of Clappers years of service with the city, and the council presented him with a plaque. The plaque presentation was made by City of Whitewater Human Resources Manager Judy Atkinson. 

Reading from a municipal commendation, Dawsey Smith said: “Whereas Cameron L. Clapper has conscientiously and faithfully served the city of Whitewater starting as an assistant city manager in April of 2010, and as a city manager in since October of 2012, and whereas City Manager Cameron Clapper has been innovative in his leadership during his tenure as Whitewater’s city manager, contributing to such programs as the lake drawdown, development of Treyton Kilar Field of Dreams, integration of the volunteer firemen and EMS to city government, expanding media services, the rewrite of the zoning code, city management of the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center as well as a significant number of other policies and projects to better serve the community, and whereas Cameron L. Clapper has announced his resignation as the city manager of the city of Whitewater, and the city of Whitewater wishes to suitably recognize him for his service to the community, now therefore, the city of Whitewater is pleased to publicly commend the city manager Cameron L. Clapper for his service to the city of Whitewater during his tenure from April 26, 2010 to Aug. 12, 2022, and extends its best wishes to the Clapper family for every success in the future.”  

The presentation was followed by a brief recess to allow those in attendance to enjoy cake. 

Clapper is anticipated to assume new duties as Dodge County’s administrator later this month. 

City of Whitewater Human Resources Manager Judy Atkinson presents, on behalf of the city, a plaque in recognition of outgoing City Manager Cameron Clapper’s years of service. The presentation, made during Tuesday’s Whitewater Common Council meeting, followed the reading of a municipal commendation by Council President Lisa Dawsey Smith. 

City of Whitewater Human Resources Manager Judy Atkinson serves cake during a brief recess taken Tuesday during the city’s Common Council meeting. The recess and cake followed a municipal commendation and plaque presentation made by council members in recognition of outgoing City Manager Cameron Clapper’s years of service to the city. 

Outgoing City Manager Cameron Clapper enjoys cake with well-wishers during a brief recess held as part of Tuesday’s Common Council meeting. 

Kim McDarison photos. 

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