Whitewater: Presentation set to discuss area landmarks ‘at risk’

The public is invited to a presentation about local landmarks at risk, featuring four city-owned landmarks, including the Birge Fountain, Starin Park water tower, White Memorial Building, and Whitewater Effigy Mounds Preserve. 

According to information released by the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, during the presentation, members of the city’s Landmarks Commission will provide brief overviews and photos of all four landmarks, along with details concerning their deteriorated conditions and needs for repair and restoration. 

The presentation will be held Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 6:30 p.m., in the community room in the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, 431 W. Center St., Whitewater.

The program is free. Registration is not required, according to the release.  

“Local landmarks not only enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity and distinctiveness of Whitewater, they are visible reminders that raise the community’s awareness and pride in its past. It is this ‘sense of place’ that encourages people to put down roots in a community. Landmarks also enhance the community’s attraction for residents, visitors, tourists and prospective residents, while stabilizing and increasing property values. They also encourage investment in economic development. These are some of the many reasons that we hope people will help the city safeguard our community’s history and cultural heritage,” Landmarks Commission member Kori Oberle was quoted as saying in the release. 

For more information about the presentation, visit the library’s website at www.whitewaterlibrary.org or call 262-473-0530.  

The Starin Park water tower protrudes above the treetops. It has been a prominent landmark in Whitewater since 1889. Recently decommissioned, plans for its preservation have become a topic of discussion among Whitewater City Council and Landmark Commission members. File photo/Kim McDarison. 

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