Whitewater: Semi-annual water main, hydrant flushing to begin Monday

City of Whitewater officials have announced that semi-annual water main and hydrant flushing will begin Monday, Sept. 26, and continue through Tuesday, Oct. 4. 

According to a recent news release, Flushing of water mains is necessary to test the hydrants to make sure adequate flow and pressure is available. It also confirms the fire hydrants and valves are operating correctly. In addition, it enhances water quality by removing sediment from the pipes in order to maintain water clarity and quality in the distribution pipes. 

Occasionally, the release continued, water becomes discolored after hydrant flushing. Residents are encouraged to turn on an outside spigot or a cold water tap in the lowest level of their homes and run the water for a few minutes until it clears. The process may need to take place more than once to completely clear the discoloration. Residents are further encouraged to wait until the city’s work crew has left the area and the water settles down before engaging in the process to clear discoloration. 

Caution should be exercised in the washing of white clothing. Discoloration of water due to flushing will stain white clothing, the release noted. 

City officials advise that Water utility crews may experience a need to make unexpected repairs throughout the week, which would necessitate a need for flushing to continue into the following week. 

Whitewater municipal building, file photo/Kim McDarison. 

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