‘Whitewater Unites Lives’ to sponsor food drive in support of Community Space

A community group calling itself “Whitewater Unites Lives” has announced that it will be organizing volunteers to receive donated food to be distributed through Whitewater’s Community Space, 834 East Milwaukee St., Whitewater. 

According to information released by the group’s co-founder, Marjorie Stoneman, the volunteers will be available to receive food donations Saturday, April 1, between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. 

Community members who wish to donate food are asked to drive to the back of the Community Space building where volunteers will unload the food, the release stated. 

While all nonperishable food donations are accepted, a list of requested nonperishable food donations provided within the release includes: cereal, pasta, peanut butter, and soups. 

According to its website, the Whitewater Community Space is “a place where people share things.” 

The space contains food, clothing, furniture, housewares, and other items needed within a home that are available to anyone regardless of where they live, how much they earn or the number of people in their family, the website states. 

The website offers the following mission statement: “We collect clothing, furniture, housewares, food and other items and offer them free of charge. There are no residency, income or other requirements. We are a great place to reuse that outgrown or no longer used sports gear, that puzzle that was fun, but you’ll never do again, that can of soup you bought several of but didn’t really like, that scarf you never wear, that book that was a hoot, but is now just sitting on your selves … and a great place to find all of the above if it would brighten your day.” 

A link to the Community Space website is here: https://communityspacewhitewater.com.

For more information about the Whitewater Unites Lives group and the upcoming food drive, contact Stoneman by phone: 414-861-4126, or email: margiestoneman@sbcglobal.net. 

Unsplash.com/Calle Macarone. 

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