Williams to offer presentation about bluebirds during Thursday’s Master Gardeners meeting

The Jefferson County Master Gardeners Volunteer Association on Thursday will receive a presentation from retired Fort HealthCare internal medicine and pediatric physician Donald Williams.

The presentation will focus on bluebirds. 

Williams works part-time at the Rock River Community Clinic in Whitewater.

The release states: “Williams will be bringing a glimpse of sunshine as he shares what he has learned and enjoys about bluebirds. 

“His love of birds and nature has led him to making bird houses, helping with native plantings and giving talks on bluebirds on cold winter days.” 

According to information released by the organization, meetings and programs offered by the Jefferson County Master Gardeners Volunteer Association are open to the public. 

Jefferson County Master Gardener Volunteers will meet in person Thursday, Jan. 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the County Extension Office, 864 Collins Road, Jefferson. 

For more information, contact Kim at the UW-Extension Office, by phone: 920-674-7295 or by email: kimb@jeffersoncountywi.gov.

Other business 

According to the release, also on Thursday, a meeting of the group will be called to order by President Helen Raatz, who will ask members during roll call to identify a bird they enjoy watching.

The request for a vice president is still open, the release stated. 

New business items will include a discussion about the spring plant sale, grant awards, and the bylaws concerning changes. 

In addition, members will receive reports, and requests for committee members and educational programs for the coming year will be shared. 

Looking ahead, the release noted that the PBS Garden Expo will be held Friday, Feb. 10, through Sunday, Feb. 12. The event offers a wide range of educational seminars, the release noted. 

Next month’s master gardeners group meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 9. 

Photo courtesy of Unsplash.com/Satyawan Narinedhat. 



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