“Lemonade Day” participants were involved recently in a workshop focusing on training young entrepreneurs in the use of professional restaurant equipment when making products for public consumption.
The workshop, one of three offered to Lemonade Day participants, was held at Jones Market and was conducted by Jones Market Sales and Marketing Manager Mariah Hadler and Sales and Marketing Specialist Jenna Broege, according to a recent news release.
The next Lemonade Day workshop, called “Bank Day,” is scheduled for April 2.
Lemonade Day programming is developed by the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce. Workshops are free to Lemonade Day participants. Registration for Lemonade Day remains open through the chamber office.
The Lemonade Day event will be held May 7, with Lemonade Day stands operated by area youth planned throughout the city of Fort Atkinson.
Children participating in the program received a free Lemonade Day backpack and entrepreneur workbook with valuable business lessons, the release continued.
The recent presentation given at Jones Market included ways to create different recipes using a Jones Market lemon squeezer and instructions for making “simple syrup” and incorporating fresh fruit and coloring into recipes.
According to the release, “lessons in the Lemonade Day curriculum help students understand how to configure the cost per cup, based on their choice of ingredients and supplies, versus the price per cup, and what consumers might be willing to pay.”
During Bank Day, four financial institutions will take appointments from students between 9 and 11 a.m. Young entrepreneurs can apply for a $50 loan to start their lemonade stand business. The loan, with interest, must be paid back by June 5 in order to qualify for the ultimate award of “Entrepreneur of the Year,” the release stated.
Once a youth pays back the loan, they keep all the money they earn and are encouraged to spend some, save some, and share some of their profit, the release continued.
Financial institutions participating in Bank Day include Fort Community Credit Union, Badger Bank, Johnson Financial Group, and Professional Collectors Corporation.
Students are encouraged to schedule a time on another day if April 2 isn’t convenient, the release noted.
Sponsors of the full Lemonade Day program include Fort Community Credit Union, Badger Bank, Johnson Financial Group, and Professional Collectors Corporation, as well as several area businesses offering their locations as “Safe Stand” sponsors.
The program is offered in collaboration with the Badgerland After School Enrichment Program (BASE).
All elementary-school-aged children are invited to participate. Students and their sponsors can still register at https://my.lemonadeday.org/register, according to the release.
For more information about the program and its workshops, contact the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce, by phone: 920-563-3210. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
An earlier story about Lemonade Day is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/forts-lemonade-day-returns/.

Jones Market Sales and Marketing Manager Mariah Hadler, at left, demonstrates the use of equipment at Jones Market. Among those participating in the Lemonade Day workshop are: Audrey Wendt, from left, Jones Market Sales and Marketing Specialist Jenna Broege, Hadley and Emersyn Norris, Colton Bree, Mirabella Allard and Greta Dunham. Contributed photo.
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