WUSD: ‘A change in leadership at the school board level is in order’

Editor’s note: The following letter is an endorsement of a political candidate. Letters endorsing or in opposition to political candidates or election ballot issues will be published up until one week before the applicable election. Authors are limited to one letter per week. Letters of endorsement may not be written by the candidate being endorsed, nor may candidates write letters of endorsement or in opposition to their election opponents. Our full letters policy is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/opinion/.

Letter to the editor: 

We as a district should not continue to make the same mistakes and expect different results. As a lifetime resident of Whitewater, where I live with my wife and two school aged children who attend elementary in WUSD, I encourage you to consider where you want our district to go. Looking at the school report cards, ACT scores, and recent policy/funding decisions it is evident that a change in leadership at the school board level is in order. 

As an educator with 17 plus years experience (and a wife with 19) I am compelled to tell everyone reading this that the greatest influences on our students are their parents and their teachers. Our district has many great teachers and many great parents. Some of those parents are candidates for school board. Stephanie Hicks and Christy Linse are the ONLY candidates who have students enrolled in our district. They value education for all students in our district: students whose only language is english, students whose second learned language is english, students who achieve high academically and students who achieve low academically. As moms, and managers of the budget they understand that caring about kids, providing teachers the right tools and maintaining fiscal responsibility is the only way our district will succeed.

Make sure to vote April 4th for Hicks and Linse to effect positive change in our district. 

Nick Baldwin


File photo. 

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