Your Take: Evergreen Cemetery a rare treasure

Although I grew up in Racine, I have had the privilege of visiting Evergreen Cemetery since I was a child. Through those childhood years, my parents faithfully drove to Evergreen to visit the relatives’ graves, never missing a Memorial Day. Now for the past 25 years, I have made that same trip from Racine, or even from Arizona, to stand at the graves of my dear parents, Ann and Wilmer Burow.

I am writing to the Fort Atkinson community today, however, with admiration for Evergreen because never have I seen it more beautiful and more perfectly manicured than on my May 30th visit. Such stately beauty, I know, is a reflection of the efforts of Brad Wilcox, the cemetery’s longest-serving board president (since 2000); Neal Traeder, also the longest-serving sexton in the cemetery’s 158-year history; Raughn Ferrell, the grounds supervisor; and Janet Majesky, who cares for 875 of the cemetery’s urns.  And, of course, it is due to the loving attention of all those who honor their loved ones.

Taking my time, I took in the setting of magnificent trees overhead, the perfectly manicured lawns, the charming cottage, the hundreds of decorated graves, and the flags flying everywhere in honor of our war heroes. And I gave thanks for my own parents resting at Evergreen.

Evergreen is a rare and astonishing treasure. In a world of rapid change and often of depersonalization, it remains steadfast.  Evergreen silently captures the history of Fort Atkinson and our ancestors.  And it provides its beauty as comfort to those who mourn and remember.

Carol Gianforte, Racine and Arizona. 

A view of Evergreen Cemetery during Memorial Day. 

Kim McDarison photo. 

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