Thanks to all who are supporting Fort’s “No Mow May” initiative especially the Fort Atkinson City Council, The Hoard Museum, Fort Parks and Recreation Department, Dwight Foster Library, Forthealthcare, Café Carpe, Beauty and the Bean, Five Star antiques and the Fort Atkinson Club. We have met our goals and have set new ones as we look towards the future in our efforts to address, in our grassroots way, the 43% decrease in the bee population. People all over the state have contacted us asking about how we worked with our city to develop a plan for pollinators so they can begin it in their town. One woman from St. Paul wanted to be involved until she realized we are 5 hours away! Another woman begged for the PDF image so she could have her own sign made up north. What a refreshing outpouring of support in a year which has been anything but uplifting. We’ve made 3 orders of signs and it has been a huge success! Our state has gone from having one city in 2020 participating (Appleton) to 10 cities this year committing to No Mow May. Please remember, our No Mow May plan is approved by the city council for back yards only so your front yard and terraces must be mowed and kept under the 8-inch height limit which, by the way, is quite generous.
Also, will the person who “borrowed” four signs from Sherman Avenue East Saturday night please return them? For questions, concerns and information please contact Thanks!
Margaret Schroeder
Fort Atkinson
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