Editor’s note: Fort Atkinson Online previously reported the Discover Whitewater Series as being in its ninth year. The event, in 2022, is in its 10th’s year. We regret the error.
By Kim McDarison
More than 300 runners participated this weekend in the tenth annual Discover Whitewater Series half-marathon and 5K run.
According to the event’s “overall finish list,” some 152 participants competed in the half-marathon and 182 participants crossed the 5K finish line.
Finishing within the top three for the half-marathon event were Matt Barrett, Verona; Martin Erl, Brookfield, and Alexander Cushman, Stoughton. Lucas Springstroh, Fort Atkinson, finished in sixth place.
The race attracted participants from across Wisconsin, as well as individuals from Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee, Minnesota and Indiana.
Placing within the top three for the 5K were Devin Johnson, Holmen; Mark Elworthy, Whitewater, and Miranda Slaback, Janesville. Martin Moguel, Fort Atkinson, finished in eighth place. The race attracted participants from across Wisconsin and individuals from Illinois, Texas and Maryland.
Along with Springstroh, Fort Atkinson participants in the half-marathon included: Lucas Zamora, Libby Krause, Benjamin Hacht and Maddie Bare.
Along with Moguel, Participants in the 5K race from Fort Atkinson included: Jeffrey Boshart, Kelly Voelker, Derek Roddy, Nicole Mepham, Katie Grady, Wade Voelker, Madison Nichols, Elizabeth Roddy, Erin Nichols, Jennifer Bailey and Melissa Overdahl.
Participants within the half-marathon and 5K from Jefferson included: Kayla Drews, Brad Foskett, Nash Foskett and Tiffany Pernat.
A full list of participants and their placements is here: https://runnersedgeracetiming.com/data/uploadedfiles/dwh5koverallboth2022.htm.
Components of the two-day event also included a “W3 Fit Kids Shuffle.”
According to information supplied on the Discover Whitewater Series website, “The race promotes the city of Whitewater and highlights its greatest features, along with encouraging a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages.
“The Discover Whitewater Series race was initiated by the Greater Whitewater Committee, Inc. (ten) years ago in September 2013. Thanks to the continued support and growing interest, the annual Discover Whitewater Series has proven to be a great success year after year. In nine years (as of 2022, funds have not yet been distributed to identified charities, organizer Jeff Knight recently told Fort Atkinson Online), the Discover Whitewater Series has been able to distribute over $229,500 to five local organizations in efforts to build a stronger community.”
Those participating in the event received a “finisher’s medal,” t-shirt, and a free day pass to the Whitewater Aquatic Center, along with discounted day pass prices, and one free beverage coupon redeemable at the 841 Brewhouse post-race celebration, according to the supplied information.
“Top overall half-marathon finishers “received a purse prize,” the website noted.
This year’s sponsors included Whitewater Manufacturing, a fourth-generation, family-owned company, providing such services as welding, assembly, engineering, turning and milling, inspection and supply chain management, among others, according to an earlier press release shared with Fort Atkinson Online.
The event’s race course was designed to highlight features within Whitewater. Included among them was the company’s manufacturing plant, the release stated.
The full release is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/discover-whitewater-series-half-marathon-to-be-held-in-september/.
The Discover Whitewater Series website is here: https://runwhitewater.com.
Kayla Drews, Jefferson, participates in the Discover Whitewater Series half-marathon Sunday.
Benjamin Hacht, Fort Atkinson, runs Sunday in the Discover Whitewater Series half-marathon.
Kelly Voelker, Fort Atkinson, runs in the Discover Whitewater Series 5K Sunday. She was the 25th runner over the finish line.
Libby Krause, Fort Atkinson, runs in the Discover Whitewater Series half-marathon Sunday.
Sixth-place half-marathon finisher Lucas Springstroh, Fort Atkinson, moves along the course.
Fort Atkinson resident Maddie Bare approaches the half-marathon finish line.
Tom Ganser photos.
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