The Aging and Disabilities Resource Center (ADRC) of Jefferson County has announced its upcoming schedule of events. They include opportunities to learn more about dementia and get memory screenings, according to Dementia Care Specialist Heather Janes. Upcoming events include:Wednesday June 16,, 10 a.m., Dementia Caregiver Support Group (virtual). Contact ADRC...
Category: Community
Aging and Disability Resource Center announces summer book club dates
Summer is here and so is another book club. In July, the Dementia Care Specialists of Jefferson and La Crosse Counties will be sharing the book “Creating Moments of Joy,” by Jolene Brackey with interested members of the public. The book club provides an opportunity to meet other caregivers as they discuss...
Fort police and state fire marshal investigate suspicious death
Editor's note: the following information has been released by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) State Fire Marshal’s Office, with assistance from Fort Atkinson Police Department, is investigating a suspicious death and residential fire that took place on Friday, June...
Farmers market and police bike auction bring patrons downtown
Despite hot temperatures, the Fort Atkinson Farmers Market drew a good crop of shoppers and music lovers downtown Saturday morning. Flowers, produce, baked goods, smoothies, dog treats and recycled birdfeeders were among the items for sale. Blues music was performed by “Barefoot Joe” Ingram, who played guitar and harmonica, as well...
Reena donates $2,600 to BASE
Reena Senior Living Center in Fort Atkinson has presented Badgerland After School Enrichment Program (BASE) Executive Director Alicia Noris and program members with a check for $2,600, according to a recent announcement from BASE. According to the announcement, Reena hosted a fish fry on May 21 to support BASE. The drive-through...
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