By Kim McDarison “Gizmo,” “Sunny,” and “Thunder,” three young Nubian goats, were officially named and brought to meet the Jefferson elementary school-aged children who named them late last month, according to information recently released by the Friends of Goat Island Board President Melinda Perez. The 8-month-old goat kids, along with...
Category: County
FAO goes ‘On Location’ to have a peek at art by Amy Weh; meet new alliance director
This installment of “On Location” features a short interview with Kim Adams who serves as the recently installed Whitewater Arts Alliance gallery director. Adams talks about her interest in art, her plans for the gallery, changes already in place, membership, and an exhibit installed this month featuring the work of...
Obernberger announces campaign for Jefferson aldermanic at-large seat
Editor’s note: information below has been provided by a political candidate announcing his intention to run for office. Other candidates wishing to run for political office will have equal opportunity to announce their intentions. Scott Obernberger, a local businessman, has announced that he is running for one of four at-large...
AI workshop offered through Wisconsin Makers
Editor’s note: The following information has been submitted for publication by the Whitewater-based Wisconsin Makers. Wisconsin Makers is offering a four-session workshop on ChatGPT in February and March. “Introduction to ChatGPT: Unleashing AI in Your Everyday Life” will take place at 7 p.m. on four consecutive Thursdays starting Feb. 15...
Daughters of the American Revolution name Palmyra, Cambridge ‘Good Citizen’ honorees
The Fort Atkinson-Eli Pierce Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has announced that Palmyra-Eagle High School student Kaitlyn Brodzik and Cambridge High School student Perry Thompson are among this year’s recipients of the “Good Citizen of the Year” award. The organization names several students from area high schools...
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